Writing as a PvE Co-op exclusive player.

Survival games in this format are nothing short of miserable. There are no forks in progression and you have one singular goal at any time. This singular goal usually entails grinding the same subset of enemies or scouring for resources for hours at a time. People generally praise this game for the combat, which is mostly good but sometimes frustrating. Nothing new if you're familiar with Battlerite. You get a lot of abilities and spells but they range from useless to redundant. The sunlight mechanic is exclusively annoying. The boss battles, specifically at the end of the game, are the highlights. It doesn't justify the games flaws for me though.

There are many features that exist for PvP alone, so when carried over into PvE the game gets 100x more insufferable. If you play PvE it is a necessity that you enable warping with items and disable durability.

I do not imagine there is a world where playing this game solo is a good idea. Friends make it tolerable.

Reviewed on May 26, 2022


1 year ago

You can change your server to allow the teleporting of resources.

1 year ago

I am aware