104 Reviews liked by SerAnderson

Broken medal - 0.5 or 1 star - Technical disaster or bad design
Bronze medal - 1.5 or 2 star or 2.5 star - The games not for me/below average/badly aged(nostalgia)
Silver medal - 3 star or 3.5 star - Doing well
Golden medal - 4 star - Above average games
Platin medal - 4.5 star - Might've masterpiece but somethings missing
Diamond medal - 5 star - The Masterpiece or just special for me
---> Medal: Silver
---> My Game Time: 1 hours 46 mins

Broken medal - 0.5 or 1 star - Technical disaster or bad design
Bronze medal - 1.5 or 2 star or 2.5 star - The games not for me/below average/badly aged(nostalgia)
Silver medal - 3 star or 3.5 star - Doing well
Golden medal - 4 star - Above average games
Platin medal - 4.5 star - Might've masterpiece but somethings missing
Diamond medal - 5 star - The Masterpiece or just special for me
---> Medal: Silver
---> My Game Time: 23 mins (tournament ending)

Broken medal - 0.5 or 1 star - Technical disaster or bad design
Bronze medal - 1.5 or 2 star or 2.5 star - The games not for me/below average/badly aged(nostalgia)
Silver medal - 3 star or 3.5 star - Doing well
Golden medal - 4 star - Above average games
Platin medal - 4.5 star - Might've masterpiece but somethings missing
Diamond medal - 5 star - The Masterpiece or just special for me
---> Medal: Gold
---> My Game Time: 4 hours 38 mins

Broken medal - 0.5 or 1 star - Technical disaster or bad design
Bronze medal - 1.5 or 2 star or 2.5 star - The games not for me/below average/badly aged(nostalgia)
Silver medal - 3 star or 3.5 star - Doing well
Golden medal - 4 star - Above average games
Platin medal - 4.5 star - Might've masterpiece but somethings missing
Diamond medal - 5 star - The Masterpiece or just special for me
---> Medal: Broken
---> My Game Time: 2 hours 57 mins

Broken medal - 0.5 or 1 star - Technical disaster or bad design
Bronze medal - 1.5 or 2 star or 2.5 star - The games not for me/below average/badly aged(nostalgia)
Silver medal - 3 star or 3.5 star - Doing well
Golden medal - 4 star - Above average games
Platin medal - 4.5 star - Might've masterpiece but somethings missing
Diamond medal - 5 star - The Masterpiece or just special for me
---> Medal: Broken (Bad design)
---> My Game Time: 2 hours 21 mins
---> Full Gameplay: https://youtu.be/8J3cRxZUR6U

Broken medal - 0.5 or 1 star - Technical disaster or bad design
Bronze medal - 1.5 or 2 star or 2.5 star - The games not for me/below average/badly aged(nostalgia)
Silver medal - 3 star or 3.5 star - Doing well
Golden medal - 4 star - Above average games
Platin medal - 4.5 star - Might've masterpiece but somethings missing
Diamond medal - 5 star - The Masterpiece or just special for me
---> Medal: Diamond
---> My Game Time: 4 hours 33 mins

0.5 Star - The biggest piece of sht (Broken medal)
1 Star - Its very boring (for me) (Broken medal)
1.5 Star - Boring (for me) (Empty Medal)
2 Star - Its alright but i bored (Bronze medal)
2.5 Star - Not much fun (Bronze medal)
3 Star - I mean its alright like (Silver medal)
3.5 Star - ITS GOOOD (Silver medal)
4 Star - I have lots of fun playing (Gold Medal)
4.5 Star - Almost my best (Platinum Medal)
5 Star - My Masterpiece or My Special

Gold Medal

My full gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVxLSqLlj1eRTIh_oAYRX-CHIxPuP910U

0.5 Star - The biggest piece of sh*t (Broken medal)
1 Star - Its very boring (for me) (Broken medal)
1.5 Star - Boring (for me) (Empty Medal)
2 Star - Its alright but i bored (Bronze medal)
2.5 Star - Not much fun (Bronze medal)
3 Star - I mean its alright like (Silver medal)
3.5 Star - ITS GOOOD (Silver medal)
4 Star - I have lots of fun playing (Gold Medal)
4.5 Star - Almost my best (Platinum Medal)
5 Star - My Masterpiece or My Special

Broken Medal

Gameplay in my channel: https://youtu.be/VywM4g5WHK0

Why this rate: We really had fun playing the game co-op. There is a good idea there, but the gameplay is not very diverse without the modes. The game offers what it wants to offer and there is nothing more special about it :)

Gold Medal

Medal System:

0.5 stars - This game will make you its b*tch! (Coal medal)
1 star - Extremely boring (Broken medal)
1.5 stars - Boring (Empty medal)
2 stars - Not fun (Wooden medal)
2.5 stars - It could have been fun but... (Bronze medal)
3 stars - Normal fun (Silver medal)
3.5 stars - I had more fun than usual (Emerald medal)
4 stars - I had so much fun (Gold medal)
4.5 stars - I loved it but something is missing (Platinum medal)
5 stars - Special for me / my favorites (Diamond medal)

Reason for the medal: First of all, I am ashamed to give 4 stars to this masterpiece, but this is a game and I have to evaluate it as a game. Generally speaking, it deserves 5 stars very easily in terms of the subject it aims to cover and the game. The reason I deducted points is that I got bored of the game's puzzles and that the whispers Senua heard bothered my ears due to her psychosis. As for the game being a work of mastery, it has a unique plot and functioning. However, when they present such a thing as a game rather than a movie, it can remain an experience and have flaws. The strongest part of the game is the storytelling, it never tells you the keys, it doesn't tell you where to go, there are no nonsense indicators, you move with zero hud, full cinematic experience and sound. Instead of an indicator, you hear the enemy behind you whispering "there is an enemy behind you" as one of Senua's hallucinations. You fight alongside Senua and solve the puzzles consisting of her delusions by coordinating with the character as if it were your own problem. You are afraid together in the parts where Senua is afraid, you hear the disturbing sounds she hears together. You smile at the good things he sees and get disturbed by the bad things. But Senua doesn't get bored with puzzles like me :D Or she doesn't get disturbed by whispers. I wasn't as invested in the story as I was in Senua. I just moved forward wondering what would happen in the end. Parenthetically, I didn't care about his wife at all on the journey he set out to save his wife. It has a unique experience and excellent presentation compared to other games. Yes, it is a unique "experience". The things that make the game a game have been completely stripped away. If I showed someone watching it without showing me controlling Senua with the controller, it would be hard for them to understand that it was a game. That's why I have to deduct points from the subjects I'm bored with.

Gold Medal

Medal System:

0.5 stars - This game will make you its b*tch! (Coal medal)
1 star - Extremely boring (Broken medal)
1.5 stars - Boring (Empty medal)
2 stars - Not fun (Wooden medal)
2.5 stars - It could have been fun but... (Bronze medal)
3 stars - Normal fun (Silver medal)
3.5 stars - I had more fun than usual (Emerald medal)
4 stars - I had so much fun (Gold medal)
4.5 stars - I loved it but something is missing (Platinum medal)
5 stars - Special for me / my favorites (Diamond medal)

It's those incredible rare and almost non existent experiences that make me love this medium so much... The beauty, love and craftsmanship of how everything comes together in this work of art can't be put into words.

Feeling completely empty now and won't be able to play anything else for a while.

Compared to the first Hellblade it's a small step backwards, mainly because the combat system got reduced (but looks even better of course) but overall it's still one of the few all time greats.


Reason for the medal: First of all, I played the game too late. Even though the game resembles unreal engine 4's game development templates, it still looks good today. It has not aged mechanically or visually. I stayed away from this game because I don't like puzzle games. But was this the game that could break my prejudice with all the praise? No. I still don't like puzzle games. This is the whole reason for the broken score. I got so stuck on tiny points in the second half of the game. Although the game wants you to discover these, otherwise you may not be able to see them. In other words, your visual intelligence and command of the environment are in question. Although in some puzzles I said "wow" how did I solve it, most of the time I said "wow" how did I not see that part. What saves me from putting the game in the "boring" category is entirely the story. That psychology and the "4th wall" events after the second half of the game caught my attention. Wow, the portal is truly a unique game. Portal is not just a puzzle game. It is a philosophy, it makes you think and you will be surprised at what you are experiencing. It cannot be compared to other puzzle games. Portal is "Portal". I haven't even mentioned how it handles unique mechanics such as the portal gun and gate mechanics. It's really fun, it's nice to use momentum and physics. I have to lower the score because I got bored with some of the puzzles. I'm glad it remains in my gaming history as a nice experience.


Madalya sebebi: Oyunu öncelikle çok geç oynamış bulunmaktayım. Oyun unreal engine 4'ün oyun geliştirme templatelerine benzese de günümüzde hâlâ güzel görünüyor. Mekanik veya görsel olarak yaşlanmamış. Ben bulmaca oyunu sevmediğimden bu oyundan uzak duruyordum. Fakat o kadar övgüyle ön yargımı kırabilecek oyun bu muydu? Hayır. Bulmaca oyunlarını hâlâ sevmiyorum. Kırılan puanın tüm sebebi bu. Oyunun 2. yarısında küçücük noktalarda öyle bir takıldım ki. Gerçi oyun da keşfetmenizi istiyor bunları yoksa göremeyebiliyorsunuz orası ayrı. Yani görsel zekanız ve çevreye hakimiyetiniz söz konusu. Bazı bulmacalarda "oha" ben nasıl çözdüm desem de çoğu zaman "vay amk" nasıl göremedim o kısmı dedim. Oyunu "sıkıcı" kategorisine atmamdan kurtaran olayı tamamen hikaye. O psikoloji ve oyunun 2. yarısından sonraki "4. duvar" olayları ilgimi çekit. Vay be portal gerçekten de eşsiz bir oyun dedirtti. Portal sadece bir bulmaca oyunu değildir. Bir felsefedir, düşündürür ve neye uğradığınızı şaşırırsınız. Diğer bulmaca oyunlarıyla kıyaslanamaz. Portal "Portal"dır. Zaten portal gun ve geçit mekaniği gibi eşsiz bir mekaniği işlemesine değinmedim bile. Gerçekten eğlenceli, momentum ve fizikleri kullanmak güzel. Bazı bulmacalardan zorlanıp sıkıldığımdan puanı düşürmek durumundayım. Güzel bir deneyim olarak oyun geçmişimde kaldığından memnunum.

Emerald Medal

Medal System:

0.5 stars - This game will make you its b*tch! (Coal medal)
1 star - Extremely boring (Broken medal)
1.5 stars - Boring (Empty medal)
2 stars - Not fun (Wooden medal)
2.5 stars - It could have been fun but... (Bronze medal)
3 stars - Normal fun (Silver medal)
3.5 stars - I had more fun than usual (Emerald medal)
4 stars - I had so much fun (Gold medal)
4.5 stars - I loved it but something is missing (Platinum medal)
5 stars - Special for me / my favorites (Diamond medal)

Why this medal: It's something like a teaser for the upcoming bendy game. It is published on Steam for free and can be completed in half an hour. Of course, longer if you want to leave the mysteries behind. There is no menu, home screen, subtitles, narrator or distribution in the game. The game has a visual narrative and is shaped according to the mysteries you find/puzzles you solve. In his results, he throws it back to the beginning and gets involved in cyclical events like the silent hill P.T. There is a part about the life of a character change in the game, that is, the life of "I think the producer". If desired, their play in that department is quite impressive. Let me finish by increasing the horror aspect of the game. Enter the Bendy series completely, even if you don't know it, check it out, maybe you will like the events and move on to other games.

Neden bu madalya: Oyun yeni çıkacak olan bendy oyununun teaser'ı niteliğinde bir şey. Ücretsiz olarak steamde yayınlandı ve yarım saat gibi bir sürede bitirlebiliyor. Gizemleri keşfetmek isterseniz tabi daha uzun. Oyunda menü, giriş ekranı, altyazı, anlatıcı, arayüz hiçbir şey yok. Oyunda görsel anlatım var ve bulduğunuz gizemlere/çözdüğünüz bulmacalara göre şekilleniyor. Her sonu yaptığınızda tekrar başa atıp silent hill P.T gibi döngü olaylarına giriyor. Oyundaki bi kısımda karakterimizin hayatıyla yani "sanırım yapımcının" hayatı ile ilgili bir kısım var. Eğer düşündüğüm gibiyse o kısmı bu oyuna koymaları baya etkileyici. Oyunun korku oyunu olduğunu da ekleyerek bitireyim. Bendy serisini biliyorsanız kesin girin, bilmiyorsanız da bi bakın belki olayları sevip diğer oyunlarına da geçersiniz.

Gold Medal

Medal System:

0.5 stars - This game will make you its b*tch! (Coal medal)
1 star - Extremely boring (Broken medal)
1.5 stars - Boring (Empty medal)
2 stars - Not fun (Wooden medal)
2.5 stars - It could have been fun but... (Bronze medal)
3 stars - Normal fun (Silver medal)
3.5 stars - I had more fun than usual (Emerald medal)
4 stars - I had so much fun (Gold medal)
4.5 stars - I loved it but something is missing (Platinum medal)
5 stars - Special for me / my favorites (Diamond medal)

Why this medal: The game was good at first, we were doing parkour, it had a fluent, fast gameplay. Then the troubles started. The game has a whip mechanic called "whip" and you have to aim and hit while playing with the arm. We can climb parts that we cannot reach with a whip. The aiming part does not work properly most of the time, it works much better with the keyboard and mouse, but I played with the controller. Additionally, there are both permanent improvements and in-level improvements in the game. While pursuing these improvements, there are ridiculous losses of life and loss of tempo. Permanent improvements in the game turn to grind. Temporary improvements within the stage turn into a "what should I stop and collect now?" situation. On difficult stages, stopping and buying a chest is not an ordeal. The final point that made me lose my patience and quit the game was the increasingly difficult stages. There are mobs that attack you while doing parkour in the game. I'm doing my parkour, and while I'm playing with the stress of "how am I going to jump there?", a son of a bi comes from behind and plays his stupid music, makes the screen vibrate, paints it red, blinds me, enters my mouth and takes most of my life, and these mobs are always around you, all the time. One bastar is sending poison bombs and you have no room to move. I got angry while writing and will lower the score even more. Fck the game you're making. We are making beautiful parkours, no, we are going to do it rogue like,collect upgrades, it is a grind-filled souls game, and it puts you at the beginning, and there are stupid, stupid son of btch mobs that drive you crazy.

Neden bu madalya: Oyun başta güzeldi, parkur yapıyoruz akıcı, hızlı bir oynanışı vardı. Sonra sıkıntılar başladı. Oyunda "whip" denen kırbaç mekaniği var ve kol ile oynarken nişan alıp vurmak gerekiyor. Kırbaç ile yetişemediğimiz kısımlara tırmanabiliyoruz. Nişan alma kısmı çoğu zaman düzgün çalışmıyor, klavye mouse ile çok daha iyi çalışıyor ama ben kolla oynadım. Ayrıca oyunda hem kalıcı geliştirmeler hem de bölüm içerisinde geliştirmeler var. Bu geliştirmeleri kovalarken saçma sapan can kayıpları ve tempo kaybı oluyor. Oyundaki kalıcı geliştirmeler grind'a dönüyor. Etap içerisindeki geçici geliştirmeler ise "şimdi durup ne toplıycam bunu ya" olayına dönüyor. Zorlu etaplarda ise durup sandık almak çekilecek çile değil. Sabrımı taşıran ve oyunu bıraktıran son nokta ise zorlaşan etaplar oldu. Oyunda parkur yaparken size saldıran moblar var. Parkurumu yapıyorum, "oraya nasıl atlıycam ya" stresiyle oynarken arkadan bir tane orospu çocuğu gelip siktiğimin saçma sapan müğini çalıyo, ekranı titretip, kırmızı renge boyayıp kör ediyo, bide ağzımın içine girip canımın büyük kısmını alıyo ve bu moblar sürekli ama sürekli etrafınızda. Bi tane piç zehir bombaları yolluyo hareket edicek yeriniz kalmıyo. Yazarken sinirlendim puanı daha da düşüreceğim. Sİkeyim yapacağınız oyunun amk. Güzel güzel parkur yapyıoruz yok rogue like yapcaz uprage toplayın derken grind dolu souls oyun olmuş en başa atıyor bide aptal aptal orospu evladı moblar var çıldırttı ya.

Coal Medal

Medal System:

0.5 stars - This game will make you its b*tch! (Coal medal)
1 star - Extremely boring (Broken medal)
1.5 stars - Boring (Empty medal)
2 stars - Not fun (Wooden medal)
2.5 stars - It could have been fun but... (Bronze medal)
3 stars - Normal fun (Silver medal)
3.5 stars - I had more fun than usual (Emerald medal)
4 stars - I had so much fun (Gold medal)
4.5 stars - I loved it but something is missing (Platinum medal)
5 stars - Special for me / my favorites (Diamond medal)