Banger music, killer presentation, simple but fun as hell gameplay, enemies tank the framerate when they explode. What more do you need

This game has the sauce, i'm afraid

Absolute banger character designs and aesthetics elevate it to something better than "post void but not as good". Mr. Bullet being an absolute baller design in particular

Only real problems I had were the under-cooked themes that never felt like they went beyond surface level like "billionaires/capitalism bad", "the internet cooks your brain", "do robots have souls". The game never really does anything with these other than use them as set dressing.

2nd problem being most of the bosses amounting to either gimmick fights or just floating eyeballs. For a game that's biggest strength is its aesthetic, I would've loved some more creativity in the bosses visual designs.

Lots to love about this game, though. Nothing better than zipping through rooms with a fire katana while so many explosions are happening you can barely see