I've never really understood the 320x240 obsession that has struck a lot of indie devs in the past few years. idk i just think it's tacky. But i really love how this looks.
There are more detail to these 3d models that you just aren't allowed to see.
Feels like a half remembered memory.

Difficult to the point where i don't think there is a single complete playthrough of this on youtube But wow this has some of the most striking lighting I've ever seen in a game.

I think it's a power move to make all of this original content but stopping riiiiight before actually making it a total conversion. Renard's entire output is a hate letter to copyright law so this not going all the way to becoming something that could legally be sold feels very appropriate.

Thank you to the random person in the maedotmkv twitch chat for telling me renard also makes video games.

Looks so cool and the game feel is great i just wish it wasn't a rougelike lol.

Makes all the guns feel like COD and removes vertical auto aim. why???

i like how the health revive is just water.


Can't believe I was even allowed to make an account on this website having never completed even the first episode of this until today smh.

1/3rds of this game being given away completely free on launch AND id making the game completely open source just 4 years after launch is an act of kindness that the games industry has never repeated on this scale ever again.

Like the weirdo mishmash of painted textures, stock art, fun stop motion dudes and G.I. Joe figures that people thought was Mussolini's corpse.

The gradual warping of doom's levels is genuinely cool and unnerving. If this came out in 2014 it would be called "Cursed Doom" and it's most viewed let's play would be a vinesauce video and all would be right in the world. Instead it's about dementia. Dementia is the 2020's version of dead wives.

this game has become a joke among my family so to learn that it is moderately well received was a culture shock. What do you see in brotato. He doesn't even look like a potato... he looks like an egg...

The backgrounds look like xbox 360 music visualizer.

Every time i saw mr scratch i thought of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZYyBgaNLkE

really pretty game love all the colorss :)

How fiction impacts and informs reality is one of remedy's longest running themes and i think this radio clip is one of my favorite examples of that.

silly girl sunday.

the overworld sprites are sooo funny looking.

This review contains spoilers

The 2nd horror game where the protagonist states her opinion on blonde hair at the end.