I'm aware it is a repetitive game but musou games are my guilty pleasure, so excited for age of calamity.

Kinda drags on too much, I'm only playing this for my boy miles, and also because they say the sequel is amazing, let's hope so

I only remember thinking Jack frost was hot

I love this game but man the mechanics are buggy af

It's a Lego fanfiction, what else can I say.

I played through 10 hours of this to get a bad ending, 10/10

Why did I play this so fucking much when I think it's trash

Peak pokemon right here my fellow people

Peak ace attorney.

On more in depth things I would say, it def has the best soundtrack out of any ace attorney games, fully orchestrated, also the art style has now been improved to an almost perfection and it has the best looking 3d models you will ever see on a 3ds model, the backgrounds also look amazing, im so happy for this because other games of the sort like layton did not translate ever to 3d well, and while dual destinies looked awesome this is a massive improvement on the art department, also props to the animation department, the characters animations are some of the best i've seen in a while, very expressive and full of life, cant wait until we get a port to consoles or pc and replay it in HD.

Now for the story, as much as i always have loved ace attorney (my favourite videogame series) my main gripe has been how some cases have always been dragged on for HOURS when they didnt need to, as example, in the original triology the last chapters would consist of multiple trials and investigation secuences, therefore streching a case to a point where it could stress some people, me included sometimes, even if the trial ending was satisfactory, so, you see, this game doesn't do that, it wastes no time, tells you an amazing story doesn't drag on for multiple days, it's just the perfect pacing.

So all of this said, i will now head on to play it's sequel, and discover all final secrets of naruhodou, thanks for reading!

That fucking ending man... Talking bout how to ruin a series.