It's pretty cute and everything, but I just got bored pretty quickly. I don't know, the controls are "slow", and the overall experience had me quit pretty quickly.

A very moving story with minimalist walking simulator gameplay. The game is magnificent. At times, it drags on a little, and I regret that some parts of the story are not explained at all.


Short but intense small story. Was really worth the 2hours I played it. Pretty minimalist but moving. Also, made me hungry.
The colors are beautiful, and the sound design... awesome!

Game was really great until a bug involving that I begin a new game happenned.

Multiplayer not really easy to make happen.

Pretty meh. The main story line is idiotic. The side quests are unbelievably idiotic. It was just a bit of fun playing it with my friends, even if there was always some bugs everywhere where one of us had to restart the game, or was blocked in a door, or outside of the map, or whatever...

Great time! Easier than the others, way easier..!
Liked the art style and I spent a nice time with the game.
The end may "feel" a bit "unfinished", it's hard to explain.