The perfect mixture of Resident Evil (Remake), Silent Hill 2 and the cyberpunk genre, with Kubrick, Anno and Lynch textures to it.
Taking place on a claustrophobic mining site, the main character is looking for her Gestalt. Naturally, something wrong has happened after the trip is taken, and now she must fend off corrupted units that are trying to kill her, solve abstract puzzles and somehow survive the horror.
One of the better aspects of the game is the inventory management, I played it on the Original setting where you can only carry 6 items at once and it really makes the game challenging. The limited ammo resource on the inventory itself is a bit tricky, but most of the enemies can be avoided.
Soundtrack-wise, this is very atmospherical but it also takes notes of Akira Yamaoka's SH1's textures. A lot of violent drum beats.
I don't want to detail too much on the story segments, since I found it to be very emotional and interesting overall. It grasps the basic idea of the cyberpunk genre where humans become just products, and they don't expect people to succeed whatsoever. I also like how we know very little of the main character, but as we understand more and more of the world outside, she makes a lot more sense by the end.
This being the second Cyberpunk game I cleared this year (Second to 2077/Phantom Liberty), it definitely shows that sometimes less is more when it comes to story and gameplay.

Phantom Liberty does what Cyberpunk 2077 should've done from the beginning: a smaller town with a lot more for you to do, with a heavy focus on dialogue and skill checks.
It's also somewhat of a spy game on the cyberpunk genre, where a lot of weird but interesting stuff happens all around the characters. Be it weird tech that makes people disguise as other characters, huge machinery boss fights and even some borderline experimental stuff that I'd expect of Resident Evil (post seven) but not of this game.
it's such a monstruous upgrade over the main game, too. the boss fights feel more interesting, the "stages" are visually much more attractive with a lot more color to them (which yeah sure, it's dark future so everything is gray, but they do put some greenery here and there).
Also, the endings for this one.... gosh, they're all so good in their own way.
Idris Elba as Reed was a cool addition to the series, too. Quite a shame Johnny boy can only be seen by V, I'd love to see Reed dealing with Johnny's ever so frequent cynism.
I also loved the extra ending they put in the main game. Definitely one of the saddest (but hopeful) ones out there.

This took fuccen forever for me to clear, and I started playing during the 2.0 update, starting Phantom Liberty on 2.1
It's important for me to say this: The game should not have been released in 2020 on the state that it was. Not only it wasn't fully optimized but core gameplay and balancing was way too undercooked. While I'm used to glitches, some of these were severely game-breaking or made it necessary for me to reload saves.
As of 2.1, I haven't noticed glitches that made the game unplayable, but every now and then some of the bosses do go "stuck" for no apparent reason. Thankfully since most of these bosses have phases to them, they usually fix themselves pretty quickly.
As for the game's story, I'll still say that it's one of the strongest stories I've ever had the pleasure to go through. It takes the genre and it throws on your face the fact that it's a dark future and rarely things will be completely positive. I love the characters and I honestly find V to be a very funny character, all considered.
Picking Keanu to play rockerboy Johnny Silverhand is also an interesting thing. I find it funny when people say they can't see Reeves as a rockstar (even though one of his most known roles is playing a rocker teenager in Bill and Ted), but the fact is he plays the role perfectly: not just as a rockstar, but a washed up, out of his prime rockstar that still clings to "old desires" even though the world moved on from him over 50 years later.
Won't spoil the game for anyone here but generally speaking, now is the time for Cyberpunk 2077 to be played. It's not a gold standard of the genre by itself, no, but it shows damn well what dark future fantasy is: sad, harsh and most likely broken.

drew why would you buy me this
also why does the orc arm just STRETCH TO OBLIVION

I'm a big big fan of Castlevania 3/Akumajou Densetsu, and this one hits the right spot... if only this wasn't too easy for it's own good. I love how you can switch between the characters and how broken they are, though! And honestly it's really interesting to play as a solo character, too. It makes the stages somewhat harder but in turn it makes the boss fights easier if you know what you're doing.
Doesn't help much that the game hands you a bunch of lifes... it reminds me a lot of Gunvolt in that aspect.
Still, it's a really enjoyable experience and the soundtrack kicks ass! Really stoked to start Ritual of the Night later on!

The X series is one of my favorite games ever. I love X1, X2, X4, X5 and X8. While I'm aware this series has flaws, I can't help but enjoy pretty much all games, X7 included, as I like the world setting, characters and the few themes they try and talk about here.
X6 is an oddity in the franchise. As in, this game takes concepts from the previous two games and adds a lot of interesting new concepts and mechanics to them, but it also falls flat on those overly experimental concepts, to the point that it almost expects the player to be using a specific character with a specific armor and parts throughout the game.
X as a core character feels much stronger than in previous games. Now wielding Zero's saber, he's able to do higher damage in close range, and also is able to use a weaker version of X5's Falcon Armor, that plays somewhat closer to the Fourth Armor but with the smaller buster blast.
With this in mind, the intro stage shows nicely how he should be played throughout the game: blocks that can only be destroyed by Zero's saber, air dashing to avoid enemies, ocasionally using the armor's weaker giga attack. And even more interestingly, you're not only introduced to a purple-ish Zero, but to High Max, a robot that X cannot damage with his buster or saber at all. It honestly is a cool intro stage! Hell, might be one of my favorite in the franchise after the iconic first game or the cooler second and fourth game's intros.
Now, the core game is introduced: Fight 8 "Investigators" this time around, as they're researching the "Nightmare", which are not only enemies, but stage-altering effects, that can infect reploids in need of rescue or hinder your progress on a stage. And this is where X6's problems start to show.
In many ways, this reminds me of Simon's Quest almost convoluted and messy way to teach the player on what they should be doing. The level design on most stages doesn't look that interesting, which is a major sin to a platform game like the X series, a lot of leap of faiths that might lead to a falling pit or spike traps, it's either way too hard to reach items or it's so easy it hurts. I do find it funny how you can cheese the Inami Temple's Armor part by gettign hit by the bats twice though.
So, let's talk about one of the main mechanics in this game: Nightmare Virus are enemies that can "possess" endangered reploids, but if you kill them and acquire their soul you can get gradually stronger, being able to install extra parts on X (what is this, dark souls?). And let me tell you: some parts feel almost REQUIRED for you to progress through the game with no problems. In the ice stage Alia mentions the "High Jump Part" (I'll get to the bad translation in a bit), which... you can only get on that very same stage, and if you had defeated the fire boss before.
Speaking of which, Post-Boss Stage Effects from X1 comes back in this! But instead of making places accesible to the player, it just makes your experience a living nightmare!
And speaking of nightmares, the "Nightmare Effects" in this game are the biggest pain in the ass. I don't mind a game trying to make my experience harder by RNG, but some of these just make the stages an absolute hell to go through.
For instance, Nightmare Dark makes the stage pretty much dark, with only a few seconds of light to help you see through. It's frustrating to say the very least, specially if you're attempting to collect all the stage's items.
And most of these can be somewhat avoided if you can understand what's happening, but much like Simon's Quest, this game has one of the worst translations a PS1 game could've gotten. The broken english in this is painful, and sometimes really funny (THE BADDLE HAZ JUST BEGUN).
And honestly, fuck Central Museum. Who in their right mind thought making every single room in a stage being RNG would be a good idea? Sometimes you can get such a bad RNG you'll never find the Dr. Light Capsule, or the Nightmare Teleporter/Another Route. Definitely one of the worst stages in the franchise.
Also, another big problem this game has is the fact that most stages either finish in one run or X will teleport by himself to a new area, but then you have Metal Shark Player's stage, in which the teleporter to the 2nd part of the stage looks the exact same to the Another Route teleporter.
Again, not a big problem since you should try and do the Another Route at least once. Zero is such a broken character it will make your general experience somewhat easier and fun, but... what if you go to it again, only to fight high max without his actual weaknesses (which are already convoluted enough) and you get stuck there dying at least 9 times to him until you can quit and go back to the stage select?
On this run, I actually went out of my way to NOT get Zero back, and play throughout all stages as X, either on Falcon or Blade armor. Again, the fact that the game seems to expect you to be using things like Jumper and Blade's Air Dash just make me wonder how much time they had to test the stages. Some of them are almost impossible to do as normal armor X or Shadow X. Central Museum (again, fuck this stage) has one of the rooms being unpassable as those two armors, since you need at least Falcon's weaker air dash to progress through. Unless the rng helps you and gives you a way out without the air dash!
And... the bosses, my god. They're so bad they barely do anything, and the few that do are so cheap it hurts my soul.
Infinity Mijinion is one of the most annoying bosses in the franchise, which by the point I was going through the stage I just gave up and stood still on one end of the boss room spamming blaze heatnix's sword attack until it died.
However.... I cannot say this game is an absolute mess.
As I mentioned, I really like how X plays in this. And with the right parts equipped, you can breeze through most stages and have fun!
And honestly? I absolutely love the story in this. I think the idea of it taking place after the Eurasia Crash/Destruction makes it more interesting, as X's mind is focused on rebuilding the world and holding Zero's hopes as his own. I also like the idea of the "Nightmare" a lot. The fact that all the Investigators are former Reploids who were destroyed (and most of these by Alia's hands, too!) makes them much darker in comparison to Repliforce's Soldiers from X4 or even the slowly corrupted Reploids in X5. Some of them shouting they don't want to die again can sound odd at first but... when Alia explains their fates, you can understand why they're doing that. Gate is also an interesting antagonist. Mad scientist type that wants absolute power is always a fun trope. Not a big fan of Sigma coming back in this, though. But I dig the fact that he's incomplete this time around. It really feels like we're beating a dead horse by this point.
The soundtrack in this game is fantastic, too! Might be one of my favorite in the franchise. Tracks like the intro stage and blaze heatnix's stage show a lot of quality, and considering this is the same composer as X5, it's a definite evolution.
I cannot say I despise this game. Personally, X3 and X7 are much less interesting games than X6, but this one feels absolutely rushed and messy, felt like CAPCOM was attempting to get some extra money from the few people who didn't own a PS2 yet. So what you get is a game who both tried too hard at being different from the previous games, but failed by not testing out these experiments before release. And yet, if I could I'd replay this again.
Naturally, if you read through all of this, my only advice is that you should get the Improvement Mod for this game. You can change a lot of what makes this game frustrating (the RNG in central museum, for instance) and improve the dialogue, character portraits etc. Sure you'll lose the ZELLLOOOOO but you get a much more coherent story and turned off nightmare effects so your experience is not a pain in the ass.

This might be one of the weirder Resident Evil clones out there.
It's not particularly scary, nor survival per se, since the game gives you pretty much an infinite amount of healing items and ammo.
The story, atmosphere, hell, the soundtrack are the things that really make this game work for me. It's just SO WEIRD!
It works like a classic Resi game, the weirdness just made me keep going, even if the annoying dub or the horrid backtracking really were putting me off by the 7th hour.
Ah yes, speaking of those things. Jesus, the dub is so bad and annoying. I like cheesy dubs, hell, MMX4 is one of my favorite games, but this one commits the absolute sin of "I don't fucking understand what you are saying." And no, the post-production didn't help this at all. I couldn't understand a single sentence the final boss said after their transformation.
And god, the backtrack. Mix this and the fairly frequent loadings this game has and it just made the experience very jarring.
Still, I do find this game worth the playthrough if you're a fan of the genre. It's definitely one of the weirder titles I've played in a long time.

Taking a break from the spooky month to play a new release once again, which I totally bought and didn't emulate. Trust me.
Gosh, this one has so many cool ideas to it. I like how the stages can be played without the need to use the new powers, but using them so can make you find shortcut or those big coins. I also dig how the gameplay flows in this one. I was absolutely scared this would be a Sonic 4 situation, but... it plays nicely.
Sure, the soundtrack when it has that one instrument playing is kinda lame, but at points I'd just stop and vibe to the more upbeat and experimental tracks (and the ever ocasional Tee Lopez one too).
I dig how many different paths can be taken throughout the stages, and even how long most of them feel. this just embraces the Sonic CD style once again, just... a bit less freaky and psychodelical.
However.... gosh, the boss fights are a bit long, aren't they? And it's definitely my own fault at times, I keep forgetting you can use that one power where multiple Sonics just appear on screen (and the damage can stack)... still, this is definitely a conundrum from the dev's sides. "Should we make a boss fight where people will find a cheese to it, or should we make the boss only get damaged at specific points of the fight?" and instead of a Sonic 3 situation where most of them can be somewhat cheesed by just jumping above them.... they all feel like the last Egg boss from Sonic & Knuckles.
I didn't complete the game as it is, there's a LOT of content to be done (and even another story mode from what I gathered???), but I do feel like this is a great first step for a new 2.5D Sonic era. Makes me wish this was the new levels from Mania? Yeah sure, a bit... but hey, at least we don't get Green Hill for the hundreth time in this darn forsaken franchise. lol

A HUGE upgrade to the original Separate Ways, which fits the story of the game a lot better and has more interesting things for you to do and fight against.
The one thing that stopped Resi4R to be my favorite RE Engine game was that, as much as the game was fun and a perfect balance of gameplay and story, was the fact that some of the weirder segments of the base game were missing.
For instance, the laser segment or the IT fight. They're here now, and the IT fight definitely feels like an upgrade, though it's still a bit cheap.
While Leon has a bigger arsenal and can wield an armor, Ada does not get that. instead, she receives a "gap closer" with her grappling hook, meaning that you can melee stunned enemies from afar. I think this improved mobility makes her character a lot more interesting to play in contrast with the original game, where she had basically the same moveset as Leon.
As for the story, they give her a lot more than the original, her relationship with Luis, Wesker and even Leon to an extent is portrayed much better here! I also like that she can be as corny as Leon sometimes, but also feels a lot more confident than she was in Resi2R.
As for the elephant in the room... I honestly don't mind her voice acting, although some sentences are read with such an odd entonation I couldn't help but chuckle, however the actress really should get a better mic. Sometimes her sentences have a weird echo to them that you don't feel when you listen to the other character's voice lines, it's really weird!
Overall, I'm amazingly satisfied with this one. From all the DLCs post-Resi7, this might be my favorite of the bunch.
Also, really funny how this one feels longer than Resi3R.

This review contains spoilers

Really solid DLC, taking place several years after the game's ending, where Rose "revisits" a familiar place.
While it's a bit of a rehash of the game's areas, it does take some great liberties with it.
I was joking with my sister how on the Dollhouse segment of the main game, that I feared the mannequin would come to life to pursue me, and the moment it hit me that they did this in this one I shouted a "oh no."
However I do feel that the trial and error element is somewhat back. Maybe the game being third person caught me off guard so seeing things right in front of rose is tricky, but I had a few retries on both Castle and Dollhouse segments.
Again, really funny how they just hide Ethan's face. Poor dude can't catch a break!
And I honestly loved playing as Rose. Heck, games where you play as the former main character's kid is usually really fun, specially when that main character sacrifices themselves for the sake of their kid. Unsure what's her future in the franchise (specially considering this is what, 15 years-ish into the future?), but it's great to see the kid mastering both Royal Guard and Trickster lmao

I came to this game expecting to be a step forward from the great Resident Evil 7, improving on the gameplay elements, giving more soul to the characters and reducing trial and error.
I was not expecting this to be my favorite RE Engine Resident Evil game at all.
Sure, this game feels heavily inspired by the original RE4. It has a Village and Castle segments, sure, but it improves this with a somewhat open structure where exploration is rewarded with Treasures, Weapons and some of the weirdest enemies in the franchise. Hell, the antagonists have so much charisma to them, be Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters being borderline Evil Dead beings with how much they taunt Ethan, or Heisenberg being one of the coolest antagonists in this franchise. Dude reeks of charisma and I love him for it!
Hell, even the main antagonist is very interesting. It's been a while since a Resi sequel actually felt like a sequel, and so many things that happen on the previous game have big consequences here.
The gun combat might be one of my favorite in the franchise, it's obviously not as good as in 4R but it feels perfect to the FPS take that the game originally had.
Hell, Ethan actually FEELS like a proper character this time around. I find it so funny how they just refuse to show his face in the game though. Dude has been his own character since the end of Resi 7 and yet we can't see his beautiful eyes properly.
I honestly could talk about that one Lord moment here, or how this game jumps the shark in the most awesome way, but... this game needs to be experienced.
It's not my absolute favorite Resident Evil game (the original Resi 2 keeps the crown still), but this honestly hit my Top 5.
(Also, really funny how Chris is in the main artwork for this game. Poor Ethan lmao)

Joe is such a loveable overpowered protagonist I love him for it
My personal favorite of the DLCs of the game, just ridiculous enough that it made me wheeze at moments.

If you were pondering what was Lucas Baker's fate after the ending of Resident Evil 7, this solves it. It's kinda weird too, the "Mines" segment of the main game is somewhat short, while here it not only sounds but feels closer to what the "Self destruct sequence" of an older Resident Evil game would feel like. Chris has a couple of powerful weapons to himself, most of them can be dealt by a blow to the head and his famous Boulder punch which just one-taps them...
Honestly, it's worth a playthrough if you care about the story of Resident Evil, and if you're wondering where they'll go from here.
Oh, also, I still don't get why Chris looks like that. lol

This compilation feels a bit more essential in comparison to the first volume. We get a bit of extra lore (with two possible endings) on a short scenario where you play as Zoe, and a Blackjack minigame where Clancy's life is on the line.
Daughters is definitely worth the trouble here, while 21 feels a bit too random for my personal taste. Still, this just makes me wish Daughters was a part of the original release.