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Time Played

1h 30m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 22, 2023

Platforms Played



I know that this game gets dunked on by almost everyone, however it's not as bad as people think it is.

The plot of this game takes place 7 years after the first game. Simon got a curse from dracula after defeating him and his goal is to find all pieces of dracula's corpse and get rid of them once and for all. Doing this would get rid of the curse. It's fun to have a continuity in the story (even though it's NES game plots).

The Soundtrack is really good like the previous one. I cannot say that there's one song that I think it's bad. Satoe Terashima is a composer that was on the first one. This person and the rest of the team did a good job once again on this OST.

The graphics are pretty much similar to the first one. It's really good and you can differentiate mostly everything from the game from just looking at it. The setting and backgrounds are still atmospheric.

For the gameplay, They decided to chance the formula of the first one. Instead of being a 2D side scrolling that you need to go from point A to Point B, it's more of an adventure game. You need to go in different regions and part of this world to collect key items and defeat bosses. I would almost consider it a metroidvania. You still have your whip and other items in your arsenal, but now, you need to purchase it. There's some village scattered all around the game and you can do a whole bunch of stuff in them. There's also a leveling up system in this game.

There are 2 controversial part that people thinks it's a bad game because of it. The first one is the Day/Night System. People say that that those transitions are annoying and happens too often. I gonna say that people with this opinion are exaggerating. The reason for that is that the timer of when it's day/night only advance when you are outside. Meaning that when you are in a building or dungeon, the timer will be on pause. The other thing is that the transition to change from day to night (or vise-versa) is only 9-10 seconds. There's some recent games that the loading screen lasts even longer. The Day/Night system also influence the ending of your game. There are 3 different ending and it all depends on how many days (in-game) it took you to beat the game. This is really nice for back then to have 3 different endings. The only one that I played that had that was Metroid.

The other thing is that the game is really cryptic. To that I said it's true, but only for a handful of things. Most of the game you should be fin on your own. But it's true that there are some stuff that the game will never tell you to do and without a guide, your progress will be blocked.

My biggest complaint is that you will lose all your currency if you game over, which is really annoying. Other than that, it's a decent game and people should try it and see how fun it can be. I still prefer the first one, but I still enjoyed my time.

Game #54 of my challenge