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Time Played

1h 15m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 1, 2023

Platforms Played



This is the start of another beloved franchise that most people likes. This series of games is considered classics among the fans. Even if this game is really not forgiving, it still have his charm.

First of, the soundtrack is so good. I think it is the best OST I have come across so far though my challenge. The songs are bangers after bangers and set the tone pretty well for the game.

The visual of the game is also really captivating. The background, the sprites and enemies are really well made for the time and it's able to catch the sensation of trying to conquer the mansion of Dracula.

The story is not really well displayed into the game except trying to kill Dracula, but it was one of those game that all the story was recited in the manual of the game or in a Nintendo Power.

For the gameplay aspect, it is really good. However it still has his flaws. For starters, the controls are simple : one button to jump and the other for the attacks. The jump is really stiff and once Simon (the main character) starts his jumps, you cannot change the momentum or the distance of the jump. This can be really annoying in a platformer. The whip is satisfying to hit enemies with. You can break background objects of the map to upgrade your ship so that you can hit farther and with more damage.

Breaking the objects can also gives the players sub-weapons and ammunitions. The sub-weapons can be really good is certain situations, however, most of the time, you want to keep the holy water, since this weapon is kind of broken. The cross can also be useful against certain bosses. The ammos can represented by some red hearts. It can be confusing since usually, hearts = Health. In this game, you can only heal yourself with some chicken hidden inside some hidden walls.

The enemies are visually well designed, but getting hit by one of them can really be annoying. The reason for that is that you get a lots of knockback when getting hit. In a game where falling is an instant death, this can be frustrating.

The bosses are classics from the Universal Classic monsters like Mommies, Frankenstein, the reaper, etc.. . They each have their own behavior and that makes the game less redundant. Some of them are really hard to beat.

This game was fun to go through, even though the game is really hard. The music and levels were so good that it kept me pushing to beat it. This game was a good start for the franchise.

Game #41 of my challenge.