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1 day

Last played

October 16, 2023

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This is considered the beginning of a beloved beat'em up franchise : The Double Dragon series. While this is the first Double Dragon game, it's a spiritual successor of the game Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun.

First off, the story is pretty simple : girlfriend gets kidnapped, you need to save her. That's about it for the plot of this game. It's basic, but this game was not meant to be played for the story aspect.

The graphics are a little bit better than Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun. The backgrounds are better, the enemies looks more different from one another. So we could say that they improved the visual quality of the franchise.

The soundtrack is also a banger. We could see that over all the games that I beaten so far, they seem to put more time on creating a better OST. This makes the game even more enjoyable.

Now for the controls : They improved them compared to the previous entry. The controls to do certain techniques are easier and the feeling of hitting an enemy feels good. However, there's still the same problem that some attack are hard to align certain attacks. It is also true about the hit box of the enemies. I didn't always knows if the hit will hurt me or not. The bottomless pit were also a real pain in the game, especially when you need to jump over it. The controls were not made to do some platforming in the level.

This game is fun to go through, even if there were some really hard bosses.

Game # 50 of my challenge