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November 4, 2023

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Game # 59 of my challenge

Dragon warrior was the first JRPG of my list that I tried. It was barebones, but did a great job at what it wanted to do. The second dragon warrior came along and added a bunch a new stuff to the JRPG formula. Now, it's time to try another franchise and it's was a breath of fresh air.

First of all, the plot is about four heroes called the Warriors of light. They each have an elemental crystal of their world that was tainted by the four elemental fiends. OS their goal is to restore their restore to bring back world peace. The story is way more complicated than any other games that I previously played and keep adding more stuff when getting further in the story. The story is well given to the player if the player is interested to talk to a lot of NPCs in the game.

The music is also really good. I would also say that some of the songs are iconic, especially the battle theme. The OST is really well created for the universe that the adventure took place in. The music feels like you're in a fantasy world. So props to the composer of this game.

Visually, the game looks really good as well. One thing that came straight to mind about how much they improved the JRPG genre is the battle. Instead of only seeing the enemies in front of you, you can also see your characters in the battle. When it's their turn, they also have an animation of their attack, which is nice. The world is pretty to explore and have some different type of terrains and villages to explore (especially at the end of the game). The enemies and bosses looks good as well.

The start of the game is also really fresh compared to the other game of that genre that I played previously. You can choose a party of 4 characters to play from. They each have their unique traits and ability. This adds a really big layer of replayability. However, some characters were way stronger than other, or some that simply didn't work. For example, the thief main stats is not even functional in the game.

Speaking of the characters, during the course of the game, your character will gain levels by defeating enemies. Those levels will grant better stats to your characters. Also, it will also grant access to spellcasters to access some stronger spells in their ''spell books''. Each spellcasters can have 3 spells per level of spell that they can hold. Further in the game, all characters can also transform to a better version of what they were previously. Their stats and even their visual is also changed by that transformation.

The combat is really good. The player can fight to up to 9 enemies on the same screen. You can select the type of attack to each of your character and can also target the specific enemy that you want. This is a huge upgrade compared to Dragon Warrior, but it also comes with a downside. If the target your character wants to hit is not present anymore, they lose their turn. This can be frustrating at times, but you need to take it into account when fighting. Also, there's a total of 128 different enemies in the game (including bosses). That is really an impressive feat for the time.

The exploration is also really neat in this game. You can walk across different type of terrains, you can also unlock a boat early on in the game to move from a continent to another, and can unlock a blimp further in the game, which makes you go wherever you want to go. This makes the exploration less redundant and also faster when you're further in the game.

The villages are nice also. There's some inns to heal your characters, shops to buy a whole bunch of stuff and some NPCs that you can talk to. One thing that is really annoying in the game is that you cannot buy a lot of the same item in one purchase. You need to buy every one of them individually one at the time, which can be really tedious when you need to buy 99 of them. In one town, there's a tombstone with the name of Eldrick, which is a really nice nod to the hero of the first game of Dragon Warrior.

I enjoyed my time playing this game, however, there were some tedious things that you come across way to often and some stuff that simply not work (like a character and some spells). I would still recommend this game, but I heard that the remasters of those games are better. That mean that if you're interested to see what the first Final Fantasy have to offer, try a newer version of it.