Spyro 3 expands upon the core gameplay loop that I have come to sign on with this series while finally having meaningful variety that Spyro 2 failed at providing me when it came to challenge or go well with the moment-to-moment gameplay loop. For many people, they call this one unfocused with its new playable characters, and if you feel that way, I respect that viewpoint even if I don't agree with it. For me, it still shows its restraint with the playable characters by maintaining the key Spyro pillars of platforming, exploration, and combat, even when it deviates from that sometimes. They aren't braindead easy like Spyro 2, which made me feel bored of it. However, it's important to highlight that it never loses sight of Spyro himself, who is still the one you mostly play as in this adventure.

The level design has seen substantial improvement because it brings back the pure platforming and exploration that Spyro 1 excelled at, while giving the mini-games or playable characters their own side areas. This makes the pacing much better than the previous games and reduces the repetition or padding out the levels. It helps that most levels have a shortcut that loops back to the beginning of each level, which is very handy for backtracking. Speaking of that, backtracking doesn't feel unrewarding anymore as you unlock new playable characters that have their own side areas with plenty of gems and eggs to collect, compared to Spyro 2 where you had to backtrack for just a few gems that weren't much and maybe one boring mini-game. This game also lets you make your own routes to reduce as much backtracking as you can, and that is achievable without any glitches or a cheat code.

The overall story is nothing crazy, but the first time where I didn't fall asleep towards it because Bianca has a decent arc that is cool to witness and the sorceress is an effective villain that I can't help but hate and motivates the player to get to her, which I didn't feel that with Ripto. Top this with the returning characters like Hunter or Moneybags that are even more charming to watch (or burn like Moneybags) and the new characters that aren't boring like Sheila, Sgt. Byrd, Bentley, and Agent 9. Spyro 3 has the best story & cast of characters by a landslide, my only complaint is that I wish Spyro & Sorceress interacted with each other, but that's it.

I do have several nitpicks about this game that do not make it seem like I find this game flawless. Lost Fleet is easily the worst level in the game as it crams in too much content in one level, eventually making it feel monotonous. However, it is not the worst level in the trilogy, but it is definitely the worst one in Spyro 3. The mystery jars weren't fun to get around in Spyro 2 and still aren't in Spyro 3. My final note on this is that whoever designed the yeti boxing can go to hell.

It's no secret by now that Spyro 3 is my favorite one in the trilogy due to these points that I have explained here, but it's also one of my favorite games ever made alongside Red Dead Redemption, Psychonauts 2, and Sonic 3 & Knuckles. It's the best fast-paced collectathon platformer in my eyes that knows how to spice things up without losing its focus of pure platforming, exploration, and combat that I came for with Spyro the Dragon.

Reviewed on May 21, 2024
