47 Reviews liked by Shidaaaaa

an incredibly detailed & immersive game. has so so so much to do & so many random events that not everyone is going to have the same experience. tons of fun if you like super detailed & realistic games. sadly, i am too much of a baby & too scared to venture out in the night-time- and that's where all the fun is. just an absolutely incredible game, & for free/pay what you want?? i'm shocked i'm the first review here..

a silly lil game that is easy cheesable. :)

I don't know. The game if handled correctly and not made by degenerate pervert could have been at the very least "okay"

But add all this extra stuff about panty shots and buying panties and the dev not finishing the game, and it's just an awful mess.

Stray if it was good. This is what happens when you actually stick to a vision instead of blowing your entire budget on Sonymaxxing.

It's a delightful mixture of Untitled Goose Game and Goat Simulator–with a little Breath of the Wild for good measure–wrapped into a delightfully dense, vertical, but manageable open world.

While the controls are a bit janky, it's hard to complain when the game purposefully lacks friction and instead gets by on the strengths of its exploration, tone, and quest design.

Super cute, sometimes funny, and usually pretty wholesome chungus. But this is definitely a game by people who actually understand cats. I remember soyfacing extremely hard when I came across a cucumber, and the cat jumped 16 feet into the air.

It's concise, confident, and a great way to spend an afternoon.

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ugh. i want to hate it but i can't. the art style they chose actually works really well & the sims are cute. after playing with multitasking it hurts to go back to the old ones, despite them being better in every way. building houses is so relaxing & fun instead of grinding your teeth like 2 & 3. TS4 spoils you in ways but also breaks your heart. ea completely abandoning the cutsey lore between the families hurts. they took a lot of the maxis easter eggs & silly bits to become a gen z simulator. but i can't quit it. i still play the other 3 pretty often but the quality of life (when the game works) is so much better.



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Se ve como un juego "cozy" pero te puedes enfermar y morir. También vas a morir de viejo por lo que te tienes que asegurar de tener un heredero.

Lo "cozy" y la urgencia de hacer las cosas antes de morirte es una combinación muy buena!

honestly this game is girlypop. you're telling me all those dudebros on twitter screeching about censorship were playing a game where you can wear pretty dresses, get your hair done, & listen to kpop-esque tunes in the world?

yeah.. sorry dudes, the girls gays & they's are taking this one.

a product of a masterpiece case study in how anime and lack of outside human contact can completely ruin a human being. really makes you think.

not my kinda game. the world is so empty .. i had so many bugs .. the main story didn't interest me but the side quests were a lot of walking .. everything was a glorified fetch quest .. i really think like there's only one bethesda game per person & fallout is not mine. maybe if i had a horse.

when i first played, the initial jumpscare(?) got me in a way i have literally never been Gotten by a game. the rest of the game never really got close to hitting that high again, but i still admire it as an experiment in twine horror. overall a pretty solid execution of a neat little concept.

The unfortunate product of the two following statements:
"Please stop eating your sister."
"Please stop eating out your sister."

Another (quite frankly boring) game in the lineage of fetishistic edgy slop that handles its subject matter with the same tact and finesse as a child playing with a lighter