38 reviews liked by Shidaaaaa

a product of a masterpiece case study in how anime and lack of outside human contact can completely ruin a human being. really makes you think.

not my kinda game. the world is so empty .. i had so many bugs .. the main story didn't interest me but the side quests were a lot of walking .. everything was a glorified fetch quest .. i really think like there's only one bethesda game per person & fallout is not mine. maybe if i had a horse.

when i first played, the initial jumpscare(?) got me in a way i have literally never been Gotten by a game. the rest of the game never really got close to hitting that high again, but i still admire it as an experiment in twine horror. overall a pretty solid execution of a neat little concept.

The unfortunate product of the two following statements:
"Please stop eating your sister."
"Please stop eating out your sister."

Another (quite frankly boring) game in the lineage of fetishistic edgy slop that handles its subject matter with the same tact and finesse as a child playing with a lighter

Drew like a dark, fucked up version of incest haha. Just a glimpse into my dark reality. A full stare into my twisted perspective would make most simply go insane lmao

Yeah so basically this dlc addon whatever the fuck you wanna call it, is better than the first outlast game. It take's its much shorter length and and is able to make something somewhat resembling a story, because they dont need to stretch it out so that the price for a full game is reasonable. The groom is EASILY the scariest fucking person I have ever seen in a video game, and him and that room of hundreds of hanging bodies probably scared more than anything bar P.T.

eddie gluskin is operating on 4d chess levels of misogyny some men only dream of reaching

Was terrified of this game when it came out. Still kinda am. Love the atmosphere, the scary inmates, the camera mechanic is awesome too.

Could've been longer, and feels a little repetitive and cookie cutter at times but still lots of fun and a great start to a new horror IP.