Frogun 2022

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 21, 2023

Platforms Played


I'm really impressed that this game was made by a single person (technically two people were on the main team, but it was a lead doing the game itself and the other person was the composer), it is beefy and chock full of levels. I only finished the main story so far and there's more to do!

As for the game itself, it's in a weird place with me. I found this enjoyable enough to play levels multiple times for all of the requirements in each one, but I can't ignore the hiccups it has. I think it does really well at being a recently-released game that emulates what a B-grade platformer would be like on the N64/Playstation... as a positive and a negative. Hell, it's easy enough to compare the grapple tongue mechanic to Chameleon Twist.

The game absolutely nails the charm of old low-poly games in every aspect. The graphics, the wacky music, the engaging yet frustrating gameplay. In the end the latter can bog it down and make this an unfortunate time if someone can't get used to it. The controls are very restrictive and often deceptive. Renata feels heavy to control since she moves slowly and her jumps are very weak to prioritize Frogun's grappling tongue.

As for the staple tongue grapple, its effect can be very wonky. Some platforming involving it just requires you to get from point A to point B, but after some time the game will suddenly require incredibly tight challenges where you bounce off of enemies or walls again and again. If you miss that window, you simply plummet and have to start again. Even with an update that let me shoot Frogun twice in the air, it was tricky.

The game has had multiple updates since launch and the developer seems to promise more on the way, but at the core the game was well-crafted around the challenge of playing like an old 3d platformer. Overall your enjoyment depends on how much you like that kind of challenge, and I've put enough hours to say I like it enough despite that ps1-style jank.