Hades 2020

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 1, 2024

First played

January 12, 2024

Platforms Played


Having sunk around 20 twenty hours into Hades, I finally reached the end credits and main ending of the game. This is a rouge-like game with about an hour of content, but that content is very difficult and will require persistence and practice to conquer. Plus, to see the true ending will have to escape the Underworld a whopping 10 times. If this opening paragraph sounds negative, I do not intend it to come across that way. I too was skeptical by that pitch, but Hades is an absolute blast - and while I found it began to drag as I approached some of those final runs, the narrative "climax" (for technically this game goes on far beyond the credits) is very much worth the time.

As previously implied, there isn't much to this game when measured by standard rulings. There are 4 bosses (with some variance between attempts and optional harder versions) and you'll encounter just about every enemy the game has to offer after only one or two successful runs. Four areas, all with a handful of enemies, a boss at the end of each - and that's your lot. The variety comes from the six very distinct weapons and the various upgrades you acquire throughout an attempt; the combination of which will likely be wholly unique to that run. This all works to keep things relatively fresh; I still think by hour twenty I was getting rather tired of the combat system as a whole, but there's enough to keep you ploughing onwards through escape attempt after escape attempt until you finally reach the ending.

The story is perfect for a rouge-like game, a genre usually lacking in narrative because of how hard it is to implement. Everyone is immortal, you are repeatedly trying to escape, everyone knows this and can both remark on what you've been doing while also having relationships develop. The characters are all distinct and well voice acted. This isn't the most incredible narrative ever, but it's one that can only be told through the video game medium, and for that it deserves praise.

Artistically the game is great. Isometric games are probably the hardest to make look good because of the obscure perspective, but they have managed to make it work. The character portraits are all beautifully drawn and add a LOT of life to the dialogue.

The soundtrack to this game is absolutely incredible. I would be lying if I said it wasn't the initial reason I picked up the game. It's metal, fast paced and every track is a banger. The final battle theme against Hades himself is without a doubt one of my favourite OSTs ever composed.

All in all, despite some flaws, Hades is very worth playing even if you aren't a fan of this genre. Trust me, I wasn't either - and still am not. But this game is great despite that. And if you're a fan of rouge-likes? Well, you've probably already played this.

Edit: I have since returned to the game and beat it several more times in order to best every boss with the Extreme Measures condition. I've bumped the game up to 5 stars and take back any critique I had for this games combat. I cannot speak highly enough as to the quality of Hades as a game. By far my favourite indie title.