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Before I get into my thoughts, I recommend getting this game on the PS4 or the Switch, as there are issues on the PC version which could corrupt your save.

This is a game that shocked me when it was first announced. It looked to be a cute crossover game about the different Final Fantasy series in one world, though playing as two new characters unique to this world. It looked fine, but then I read deeper into it and discovered that it was a monster-taming RPG and it immediately had my full attention.

To my surprise, this game turned out much better than anticipated. The original story here was well thought out, with a few twists that I wasn't expecting on top of it all. The themes of growth and responsibility shine so much stronger within a monster-taming game as these themes can be reflected in your party of monsters.

And the monsters you can utilize here are fantastic. From Moogles and Chocobos, to summons like Ifrit and Shiva, and some extremely niche picks I dare not spoil for you, they round out the roster so nicely that it doesn't feel like you're missing any key creatures. Unlocking some of these creatures is satisfying too, with having to beat them in a special encounter before getting the opportunity to use them on your team.

Speaking of battles, they play out a little weirdly. This takes inspiration from the ATB battles of the SNES games and has players making decisions on the fly. Of course, you can adjust it so that the game is more like a traditional turn-based RPG. The weird part is that you are allowed to use 4 monsters along with your 2 main characters but each monster has to be a part of stack. This was a weird design decision, and it looks very goofy, but in terms of gameplay, it allows for really diverse and interesting game mechanics. Do you focus on empowering your stack to take big hits, or do you dismantle the stack to get more hits in on the enemy? It's pretty engaging stuff.

All that said, I do have some complaints. Firstly, the voice acting is very annoying, and the characters can be grating. Lann especially, as he acts like a huge idiot through most of the game. Also, the game can feel pretty slow at times, only speeding up during the combat though only at the push of a button. The monster evolution mechanics are also a little weird to me, of course, you can evolve your creatures as you see fit, but they can also transform into completely different creatures within the family and tracking which creature can transform into is difficult especially when you get special rewards for going to such lengths.

This is a game I can easily recommend to any Monster-Taming fans or Final Fantasy enthusiasts. Unless you hate the art direction or RPGs in general, this is a really fun game and completely worth the price.