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"You can either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

This infamous quote came from the developers of Endless Space 2 after they saw me play their game twice. No matter what I do, no matter what I say I'll play as. Ultimately it boils down to me rushing to unlock Corecrackers and Obliterators to go on a system cremating crusade across the galaxy in an unending quest to dominate the cosmos. This game teaches a valuable lesson in morality, integrity and the futility of fighting your own nature. The feeling of your friends discovering and tracing back a long path of obliterated planets to your territory, truly is "peak" as some would say and the cutscene of a planet blowing up never gets less entertaining.

Through this game, I have proudly taken up my seat alongside other galactic tyrants such as Sheev. And perhaps I have even become the worst of them all. Only time will tell.