It's clearly a product of its time. The devs decided to mostly focus on the parkour and world design which I loved but the combat is tragic, no enemy variety, not that many ways of tackling direct combat, WAY TOO MANY ENEMIES.

Enjoyed it tho!

Dropped at moving platform area, too much for my zoomer brain to handle ig

Incredible atmosphere with a decent variety of enemies, nice level designs and a great amount of freedom when it comes to making your own build. It is a bit slow but that is only a problem when fighting flying enemies, those fucking blow..

Solid tho :P

- played for almost 2 hours
- didnt fully explore the first area but from what I saw the enemies are mostly the same and there is no loot?
- scaling???
- bosses are fucking damage sponges that 4 shot me
- the combat system is kinda clunky at time but its alright
- color palet, art direction etc is fucking cheeks

One of the best combat systems in gaming.

Has the worst enemy pool I've ever experienced, you stop seeing new enemies after just 10-15 hours, the bosses are re-used a ton of times and they are all basically damage sponges with one shot potential. Armors don't matter for shit, looting system tries to be intricate and complex but it's just bad. The story is mediocre, you have no idea what the fuck is going on in the beginning and whenever something happens you dont really care cuz you havent gotten to know the characters... they're just there. Extremely disappointed 4/10

Edit: Came back to remove half a start after going through the last side missions cuz that shit was terrible, the devs just gave up and threw a bunch of dual boss fights. Won't play the DLCs cuz I know they will be shit.