5 reviews liked by Skechy

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Never finished but trying to finish from childhood

That feeling when your game at one time greatly surprised with its style at one time, and was forever forgotten by everyone. First-person fighting game, surreal plot. You can try to give the game a chance even now, it has not lost its relevance.

То чувство, когда твоя игра в свое время сильно удивила своим стилем в свое время, и была навсегда забыта всеми. Файтинг от первого лица, сюрреалистичный сюжет. Можно попробовать дать шанс игре даже сейчас, актуальности не потеряла.

The most deadly weapon in the game, by far is a camera, as if you have any problem with motion sickness when playing games it can actually hurt you.

I really liked the world it's presenting and it was the main thing pushing me forward.

The gameplay however is pretty bad.

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