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GOTY '23

Participated in the 2023 Game of the Year Event


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Yeah it is undoubtedly the best automation game on the market and its asking price is more than fair for the amount of content that you get.That said , don't buy it , lest you want your free time to get eradicated, because as soon as you click the play button , your mind will go blank as one sentence repeats for the duration of hours "The Factory Must Grow"

The only game ever to perfectly showcase the day to day life of a Neapolitan.

At first i only played it for the dame dame meme, but as I got further into the game , my perception of this game changed.The complexity of the combat , the depth of the characters (especially majima) and the oh so sweet soundtrack(Hidenori Shoji is a musical god) , as i got better acquainted with them , they made me realize that this game is much more than a meme , its an experience. As its true for any video game its not perfect. Some parts , for instance the method of which you obtain the legend styles for both characters , is a bit grindy , and i feel that it would've been better if they were unlocked at the end to tie in with the plot. That said this game is a must play (as long as you dont try to platinum it like a mad man) and its the best entryway into the long legendary series that is Yakuza. P.S Majima deserved better