Elden Ring 2022

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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 5, 2022

Platforms Played


Incredible open world that is extremely dense and fun to explore. Unlike many other open world games, this game forces you to find everything in the world. So it doesn't litter your map with a million icons, nor does it give you an extensive quest log. This makes exploring the world much more rewarding. It helps that you will constantly be finding new things.

Despite the game being open world, From Software still find ways to incorporate their classic level design in the game. This is largely done through legacy dungeons, which are extremely well designed classic Dark Souls levels. These levels constantly double back on themselves and are filled with little hidden paths to find.

Combat is pretty standard Dark Souls, but refined. There is now an attack you can do when you block an attack, which feels very good and is a very welcome addition. Now that there is a jump button, you can also do jump attacks which is really useful for closing distances. The new addition that brings the entire combat system together is that every enemy now has a hidden poise meter of sorts. This meter can be dropped with any attack, but strong attacks/strong jump attacks are necessary for dropping it to zero. Once dropped to zero, you get a critical hit on the enemy. All these additions make the combat much more strategic and fun, than the Dark Souls games.

From Software's titles are known to be quite difficult, and Elden Ring isn't any different. You should expect to die many times going into the game. However, this game isn't nearly as punishingly difficult as some may have you believe. Most of the game is very doable, but if you run into something too difficult, you can just go off and do something else. You can summon NPCs or other players to make the game significantly easier. The game also adds in items called Ashes which allow you to summon various characters into battle. The game doesn't have an easy mode, but you can absolutely make the game much easier for yourself through summons and through building your character certain ways like going for sorceries instead of greatswords.

Elden Ring not only great Souls game, but also one of the best open world games ever made. The combat is very fun and satisfying. The world constantly surprises with new and unique things, which makes exploration rewarding. Overall, I highly recommend Elden Ring anyone who doesn't hate souls game.