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1 day

Last played

December 10, 2022

Platforms Played


Holy shit! They made a Geometry Wars game for the DS? Man, Geometry Wars was the first game I got on Xbox Live Arcade, and what a game it was. Nothing but pure arcadey fun. And the DS version is more of that on a handheld device. Honestly, for a twin-stick shooter on a device with literally zero sticks, this version is surprisingly solid. Yes I would much rather use two sticks, but the touch screen control method is actually pretty sufficient. The game also isn't as flashy looking as the original, but that doesn't hold it back much.

The big addition this version has is a new mission mode they Galaxies. It's nothing to write home about, but it does add a lot of content to the game, and allows them to put in a lot of unique ideas to a pretty simple concept. At the end of the day, it's Geometry Wars on a handheld. Probably better versions of that these days, but if you got ds, it's quite fun!