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1 day

Last played

January 8, 2023

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Ya know, it's just weird to me that Sega decided to make handheld version for all of their 3D Sonic games starting with Sonic Colors. Like you would think they somehow managed to cram the console game onto the DS, cause I mean it's called the same thing and they came out the same day, but no. It's a completely different game made just to capitalize on the huge handheld market. So you would think this game would suck since it's obviously not where Sega's attention was, but it's actually pretty decent.

This game plays like your classic 2D Sonic game, crammed with loop-de loop all over the place, but with a little 3D sonic added in the homing attack, plus of course the wisp powers. Due to these additions, this game feels so gosh darn fast and fun to play for most of the first half of the game. You can really zoom through levels. That said there is a bunch BS added to the game like a shitty auto-scroll section where you ride a whale, and that janky void thing you are forced to use. But overall, it is a pretty decent 2D Sonic. Definitely recommend to any big Sonic fan, assuming they haven't tried the DS version of Colors yet.