Cleared this the same day I started. Pikmin games really just pull you in don’t they?

I first beat this when it came out in I think 2013. It was my first Pikmin game and I had a pretty good time, but didn’t think much more than that. Playing back now, I have come to understand that Pikmin 3 is like Pikmin 1 where at its core is a perfect game with no fat on it.

It looks so dang good, and has such a nice whimsical style to it that is cute but almost looks like retro sci fi? The music is perfect and the characters are cute and fun.

As a Pikmin game, I like that Pikmin 3 was a straight up, mostly linear (but not too linear) action adventure game. I liked Pikmin 1/2 a lot (especially 1), but I think doing things simpler was the right play for Pikmin 3. The boss fights are fun, and Deluxe has a bunch of extra content that is fun but secondary.

HOWEVER, my big problem with Pikmin 3 Deluxe is that it doesn’t label the fact that Hard mode is actually the closest difficulty to base Pikmin 3. I mistakenly chose normal and had a campaign that was maybe a little (or a lot) breezier than it should have been.

Can’t wait for Pikmin 4, but I played so much Pikmin the last few days my head is spinning. I feel like I ate a pound of immaculately 3D-modeled cupcake frosting.

Reviewed on Jun 29, 2023
