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I was really unsure on whether I was liking the game or not. The combat felt fine, but the enemy design was not in line with its mechanics at all. Bullet time is damn near useless because every projectile enemy shoots explosives anyway so dodging those is a hail mary. Everything deals half your health or more so you either pick things off at a distance or circle strafe and get hit by jank collision damage anyway. Despite those issues I was still having fun enough. It felt like a roblox remake of Max Payne but it was still Max Payne and I like those games.
The story is weird. I don't like the protagonist. He's a sadboy drug addict like Max Payne but he's constantly giving reddit quips and talking about how good he is at killing things. Maybe my memory is fuzzy but Max Payne never said "Hell Yeaaaah!" after killing someone that was involved in murdering his entire family.
It was starting to work for me, the further it went. There's a really long cutscene about staying in an abusive relationship despite knowing it was bad for you because of the memory of a good time and it was starting to all come together. There's a cool intro to a boss fight, and then the fight was awful. Just a terrible, poorly thought out fight with telegraphs that are basically nonexistent. It was a fight so bad that it made me look back on the rest of the game and realize that if a game made me ask myself constantly if I was having fun or not, I wasn't having fun.

Also having your main char's VA narrate over the game constantly while the soundtrack is sung by the same VA and the sound effects from the monsters are also the same VA is one of the dumbest moves I think I've ever seen.