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No More Heroes III is finally here. Let's talk some more about the best No More Heroes title to date. Coming into this game I had an absolute failure of myself to ever even play or watch a play through of Travis Strikes Again. You should probably play that before playing this. I found the characters in this title were a tad weaker than in other titles. When the credits sequence begins showing old concept art of characters, I get greeted with memories of Holly and Margaret and all the rest of the amazing characterizations they all had. When I think back to this I kind of feel remorse to the aliens this game hosts. The most fleshed out were likely Gold Joe, FU, and Blackhole. Most of the cast are either entirely disregarded or might as well have been. The other thing that really irked me about this game is the lack of extra beam katanas! Tsubaki Mk. III in NMH1 was a sick af katana with no battery limit. That shit rocked! This game only gives us Blood Berry and it never feels like I finally found the weapon I needed. With those points out of the way, this is absolutely the best NMH that Suda has made, or hasn't (grumble grumble NMH2). I'm uhhh, looking ahead??? uhhh kinda? to finishing up everything this game has to offer. Carolina Reaper next?

Can't believe I'm still playing this to this day.

Getting the group together to play some Gauntlet II. Will be playing via emulation of the Gamecube title Midway Arcade Treasures Vol.2 which emulates, I assume, the Arcade release.

Gauntlet Dark Legacy is the pure Gauntlet experience the fans are looking for. It's all of the best parts of what came before it with none of the trappings that came after. I'm well on my way of maxing out my save file.