Music was on point but after learning about the dark history behind this game thanks to a 2 hour fan made doc that at this time is currently de-listed, it was no wonder this game turned out how it did. It had a great potential and thanks to at least 2-3 people who were very VERY abusive it came out terrible. Rather than blaming Check Six blame Universal for setting impossible deadlines and making unnecessary game ruining changes and Ricci Rukavina, the main reason why this game is ass.

I genuinely enjoy this game, but the community can rest in hell.

RIP OW, it hasn't been a pleasure, on the social aspect of things.

This is probably the best Spyro game not created by Insomniac in the early 2000s. At least in my opinion. Yes I hated how there was no incentive to pic up gems other than for money to buy powers ups you never used ( but mainly for treasure keys to open chests) And Sargent Byrd's speedways were very very bad ESPECIALLY CLOUDY DOMAIN'S I COULD NEVER BEAT THE SECOND PHASE, but it was a step above ETD.

I absolutely loved Red and the worlds and set pieces we're lovely to look at as well as the character designs.( And this is probably my favorite design of Spyro here since they actually gave him yellow crests down his spine.)

I only wish this had some semblance of the original formula but alas this game, although much better than ETD, was the start of Spyro diverging from his original formula.