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Incredibly beautiful game. Great atmosphere. It transformed exploration, physics, and the way different systems in open-world games react, creating a dynamic and immersive game.

However, after getting over the initial excitement of experiencing this game for the first time, you start to realize how little meaningless most of the things you find in treasures are.

In many of the older Zelda titles, treasures often contained things which had a qualitative impact on the game. They were often items that unlocked new methods of traversal or new game mechanics. In Breath of the Wild, 95% of the time, chests contain more of what you already have. Things like more minerals to sell, more breakable weapons, or more arrows. In fact, arrows are one of the treasures you will appreciate the most in this game. For reference, in most of the other Zelda titles, finding arrows in a chest would be one of the most disappointing you could find.

Also, the non-linear narrative style sucks.

They have turned a series of worlds beautiful story arches, with meaningful progression, and very interesting characters, into a beautiful "numbers must go up" sandbox experience.

I enjoyed it. But I probably won't go back and replay it in 15 years.