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May 5, 2021

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Final Fantasy 15 was a wholesome ride from start to finish. The main cast of Noctis, Gladiolus, Prompto, and Ignis were all exceptional characters that were written and cast to perfection. You really become close with these characters as they journey with you throughout Lucis, which is the large open world that the game offers you. The world itself is big and diverse with plenty of wacky monsters to track and hunt to your heart's content, and it helps that the combat is incredibly fun and fluid to really make encounters memorable.

The areas that bring down FFXV are the side quests and the endgame, both of which feel like chores to do. Most side quests are either hunt or fetch quests which get repetitive really quick, and I really only did them depending upon if I liked the character or not. The endgame strips away the freedom you had throughout the open-world for un-inspired corridors that overstay their welcome, but once you eventually get past it the game picks right but up again in its finale.

The game is carried by its characters and combat which certainly isn't a bad thing at all. The memories I shared with the crew are some I will definitely cherish and without them, this game would be a blank husk of overused assets of AAA game design. It's a game I recommend to people looking for a chill experience as it delivers on that end. FFXV is a good game to experience as most Final Fantasies are, but to die-hard fans, I can see it falling short. But for my first Final Fantasy, I can say I enjoyed it until the credits rolled.