A surprisingly enjoyable game. I'd love to see this remade or even rebooted!
+Really great concept
+Pretty ambitious
+Paint & Thinner mechanic are cool

The story and idea are for sure the selling point, but even mechanically it's pretty solid for the most part. While the core gameplay loop isn't groundbreaking, it's not bad. And you can tell there was effort put into it.

It's also incredibly novel seeing Mickey presented as a possible anti-hero with the minor morality decisions for how you choose to handle specific events.
It's a fun and super charming time that I could see myself revisiting for a second playthrough.

-Pointer & camera controls are sluggish
-Some mechanics are underdeveloped
-Tedious backtracking
-Combat does wear thin

While the game is good, it might have been a little too ambitious. The game certainly lacks polish and at times feels rushed. It juggles a lot of ideas: NPCs, Side Quests, Shops, Wisps, Sketches.
It's a lot lol.
Unfortunately, a lot of these were not well fleshed out or are easy to forget about.

Things like the pointer, camera and combat aren't without their jank either. Fighting enemies does get annoying. It was only towards the end where I got a little frustrated though.

Overall, I would say my enjoyment mostly outweighed the negatives, but it's hard to deny that this game would have benefited from more time (and budget?) to polish and better represent all of these admittedly really cool ideas.
I had a good time exploring this rundown, almost apocalyptic Disney World.

Another game that deserves more than being stuck on the Wii!

Personally, I really liked this game. It deserves more than what it got.
+ Awesome visual style and action
+ Memorable Boss encounters
+ Surprisingly good soundtrack

It's ridiculous, bloody, and vulgar. It really feels like you're playing through a graphic novel. The aesthetics truly are one of its greatest strengths.
You can clearly see the hints of Bayonetta and other Platinum/Clover games in this game.
It made me laugh quite a bit too.

It is one of those games that does become a little more style over substance as it goes on.
- Combat does get repetitive
- Camera is not that great.
- It's on the short side (Pro & Con tbh)

It's not as robust as Bayonetta or even Viewtiful Joe. It left me wanting more.
A lot of this I could excuse because it kept me excited to see how we'd takeout the next boss, and the story was somewhat intriguing.

It's not perfect, but there is fun to be had.
I wish MadWorld had become more of a thing. It has a lot of potential!

A perfect example of why tank controls are important for games with fixed camera angles. An RE take on Scooby-Doo is cute though, and I liked the attempt.😂
It is pretty short and very linear, also full of mazes to confuse you. Scooby-Doo unfortunately loved to get in the way too.
The monsters are also surprisingly quick. Felt like a mismatch for the pacing.

Better than the Gameboy Color version though👍

First game I got for my GBA back in the day! I couldn't complete it as kid.
So, this was a nostalgic revisit for me.

Unfortunately, this game wasn't all that great, or even good if I'm being honest.
It felt really obtuse in how you were expected to solve the puzzles.
The game doesn't explain its mechanics to you either (the very few that it is has). Clearly in an effort to drag out the playtime.
The game is also incredibly linear which is fine, but there's also virtually no replay value.

I have no clue how I would have ever figured this game out as a kid let alone as an adult, without a guide (which I did end up needing)

This was cute to get to experience again, but yeah, I'm glad it's as short as it is haha.

Also, Password saves?! sinful😂

My first Zelda game proper!
Absolutely gorgeous to look at. Definitely a pleasure getting to explore the world.
Maybe a little too open for me though? 😅

This was a game I ended up shelving for a year before coming back to finish it.
I've come to the conclusion that open world games are not really my thing (at least not usually).

I would rather have a bit more structure or guidance to help keep me on track. This was a game perfect for meandering and getting lost in haha.

But I would say that overall, this one I did enjoy, but probably not something I'd replay.