It's been so long since I played this (i'd play it again but erm u know ..) and I remember enjoying it a lot. Easily one of the more creative things done with this ip lets be fucking real here

Some might go full reddit mode and get mad at the gacha mechanics but this game is how all online matchmaking games should work.

- There is no chat, only emotes.
- You choose the lobbies based on your skill level/comfort.
- Cool graphics, but not overbearing.
- Decent amount of in-game references.
- Akagi

The only issue with this is some of my friends refuse to play it bc it makes their fans spin.

Better than most beat em ups because of the novelty. The visuals are actually quite entertaining for most of the journey which makes it less of a slog than the usual you get from the genre.

The dream level in particular is legitimately insane and really unexpected. A lot of epic funny gags.

Rarely do I ever have the honor of calling AAA titles "art house," but I believe that Saints Row IV deserves this title. Yes, it doesn't look that much different from the previous game graphics-wise. Yes, it's a massive departure from the beginnings of the series.

But that's missing the point. The reason they were able to make such an incredible video game is BECAUSE they didn't focus on graphics. The reason this game is such a proper art house gem is BECAUSE it's a departure from the series and the genre as a whole.


You start as the president of the United States. Within a few hours, the planet fucking explodes and you're one of the last humans alive on an alien space ship. You have to enter a Matrix simulation to try and take down the aliens from the inside of their network.

Already you can see just how different this game is from anything else in the genre. As you drive (or fly) around, everything is glitched out. Walls, cars, and people will "digitalize" before your eyes. Most of the people you see in the simulation aren't real, they're just generated by the system. The sky is always dark.

At first, it's all very lonely. But as you progress through the game, you discover contacts in the form of people from the previous games in the series. I feel like a lot of the enjoyment from this game can be extracted from playing the previous games first, it's unfortunate that a lot of people had this one as their one and only introduction to the series.

All of these elements combine to create a really unique atmosphere. The reason I call this an "art house AAA title" is because of the risks they took and the sheer audacity of it. It's all over the place and in a good way. Underrated masterpiece.

I was looking for an alternative to Mahjong Club, and this game delivers in spades! It has beginner, intermediate, and advanced opponents, as well as a multiplayer mode for riichi mahjong. I definitely recommend this game for people who like to play.

Corruption of Champions is Fenoxo's first (as far as i know) adult game. This basically invented an entire genre of text-based games revolving around sandbox exploration, RPG aspects, and an incredible amount of character customization through transformations.

This is, from what i've played, the first adult game that can be easily appreciated outside of the porn aspects. That's a very high bar, and the success of Fenoxo's other games (Trials in Tainted Space is the only other one made directly by him, but his good will and aid undeniably helped Corruption of Champions 2) speaks volumes of his talent.

Willy and bollocks torture simulator