The Quarry is fun, it rightly feels more "epic" than Supermassive's Dark Picture Anthology, but I don't feel it reaches their first outing with Until Dawn. I haven't played it tbh, but it felt way cooler with the monster choice as opposed to this one. I liked all the characters, super well acted; they were all very quirky which I only see as a plus. Maybe it was due to the ending I got, it really didn't feel like there was any resolution to most of the characters. It feels partly due to the characters don't really connect to each other besides like 3 or 4 of them.

This game kind of feels "oddly cheap" I think? Like it obviously isn't cheap on a technical standpoint, but like it feels kind of mechanically lacking, doesn't really add anything new to their formula I feel like. Not necessarily bad, but playing it safe.

However, this game does have a "Movie" mode where you can choose what type you want (Good Ending, Bad Ending, Director's Chair, Gore Ending). You can then play the game through again, but all the quick time events/choices are done with the parameters set in the choice. Good ending makes sure everyone lives, bad dies, gore lets you see the goriest deaths. Director's Chair lets you set like character parameters like courage and shit and that honestly is fucking cool. So this addition is very smart for Supermassive.

The narrator for this game felt like they had to and not like they wanted to mainly because they feel so low impact. They are there to perform their functions of saying something that kind of relates to what you are doing, and showing you possible outcomes, and then they dip. They do not have the great impact of Peter Stormare, or even the acceptable impact of the Dark Pictures guy, she is completely absent.

This game also felt like it was filled with so many fucking contrivances that make the characters look insanely dumb. Like its fine for like slasher movies to do this, they are short and well paced for that, I can ignore it. This game, however, has too many contrivances to get the plot where they want over too long a time. Sorry if I feel a little Cinema Sin-y, but this shit seriously felt so blatant to me.

ALSO the fucking credits is to fuckers doing a podcast and it's so goddamn annoying. I don't really listen to podcasts and I assume this is what a normal podcast sounds and fuck man, its like shut the hell up you are filling time with inane drivel. They go over the evidence you collect and could be a good time to like explain some aftermath, but NO. It is all jpegs of the stuff you got and them talking bullshit. I honestly don't know if I should commend them for like capturing "True Crime" podcast annoying, like damn you actually made it annoying, good for you, but don't do it again please.

Kind of harsh on shit, but I do think its one of their good games so if you like them, play it.

Reviewed on Oct 19, 2023
