This is a thriller movie with baked in 'psychological' quizzes. After every movie segment (roughly 10 minutes or so) you take a quiz, explore a 3D space of the House/Office, and take another quiz. These quizzes are basically novelty, they very often don't add much because a lot them don't even relate to the story in my opinion. They are a bunch of psychoanalysis questions about random stuff, and some asking you what you think about the characters in the story. Exploring the House is somewhat neat, the good part is getting to read diary entries left by the main 3 characters. I think they are pretty well written, especially Michael's. Would this be better without the constant interruptions? Yes. Would I say they add nothing? No.

The very sexual angle to take with this is somewhat weird. Having some sort of sex in this adds to the tension of the movie, makes sense. The sexual stuff in the extra quizzes/reading is probably too much(?). It's either diary stuff, which i think is fine, let's you know how ingrained sex is to these characters, but again, when it doesn't pertain to the main story its just whatever, kind of interesting to read, but doesnt add much. I'm not against attempting to explore sexual stuff, and I don't think this does it particularly bad, it's just a kind of weird mish mash of movie and school quizzes.

Edit: Coming back after awhile, I really enjoy this game's aesthetic. I love the style of the FMV segments. I dont know if I would call it like realistic, but it feels very inviting to warm 1990 summer that I can't have. Its got delightful 90's CG, cannot get enough of that shit. The soundtrack also has some real neat ambient pieces on it, and some other good pieces of music from the quizzes.

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2021


2 years ago

I love that 90s FMV feel too. Gonna assume the answer is yes because it's the devs more well known games but have you played 7th Guest/11th Hour? They really perfected it for me, even more than like Myst

2 years ago

@DJSCheddar I actually haven't. I only played this because a friend gifted it to me years ago (I assume under the premise of funny sex game). I will be sure to check those out.