Elder Scrolls Blades could be "fun" I think if it wasn't for the fact it has wait times to build shit and premium currency to skip these times. The loop of being sent on little missions to get loot and then use that loot to build the town seems fine enough. The missions are short and extremely simple, and there are secrets to find (sort of like a doom level), except every interractable item glows so you can find the secret levers very very easy.

This does take the loot of Elder Scrolls and turn it into piss because they "needed" to make it have descriptors like "Fire Hide Helmet" or epic/rare versions of Hide Helmets. Elder Scrolls doesn't need that shit if they EVER add that to mainline Bethesda games.... God save our souls...

Also the touchscreen controls suck. Moving in a 3D space with the virtual thumbstick AND moving camera by swiping sucks. You can tap the screen to move somewhere, but it doesnt feel like it understands what you want to do so it sucks.

Like I do think what this game's basic concept is could be dope, but its designed to be a free mobile game, so it has free mobile game bullshit.

Reviewed on May 22, 2024


22 days ago

many quality Creation Club contentS await thee in the future.....minecraft cobblestone for low low low price, is Microsoft IP after all

21 days ago

I dont understand you at all.

21 days ago

Starfield has Diablo-style color-coded loot...

21 days ago

@cowboyjosh there is plenty of time to course correct for ES6 (im on major copium)