(Gonna spew some shit from my mind; sorry if its kind of Doomer-y)

An Audio/Visual masterpiece. I want to get sucked into this realm; a forever realm of lost 90's vibes. Yeah, what the fuck ever I'm one of those "yearning for a time I never even experienced" knowing full damn and well it probably wasn't any better than My Now. This is my beautiful utopia escapism. I want to walk in nature to these beautiful music. I want to feel the childlike joy of Hot Wheel tracks filling my home. I want that imagined feeling of being a Mallrat.

I might be going boomer because I am rapidly thinking more and more that today is just getting worse. I am legit thinking corporations are just sucking the soul out of us all. I kind of refuse to believe that corp market research has found that the most boring minimalist UI and shit is what people want. Who wants fucking modern Xbox UI compared to the first Xbox or Blades? Websites keep updating to look worse AND be insanely worse at providing you the information you need.

Anyways theres my little rant about shit.

Reviewed on May 31, 2023


11 months ago

Crashing through the window and picking myself up, covered in glass, shouting "Did somebody mention Blades!?"

I've talked about this with a friend, but it feels games are mostly too safe now. They're big, expensive, they take huge teams and forever to make. You can expect a certain level of production from them, and they stick with tired and true formulas and controls. There's a lot more homogenization now, or at least it feels like it, and maybe that's just me getting older and pining for the games of my younger years. I agree, is what I'm saying.

11 months ago

Yeah its definitely that Gaming is too big now; companies HAVE to spend obscene amounts of money on games so they have to make the things the MOST people will like. I know Indies exist to combat this, but can these execs and shareholders just not be happy with a cheap game making some money. I mean, thats what Horror movies do; just make them cheap and reap in big money.
If I was fucking Microsoft I would have used that $69 billion to fund a shit ton of smaller games (got knows they fucking need it!)

11 months ago

Late stage ultra-capitalism fuckin' reeks, and we keep seeing the developments unfold as creativity gets thrown to the wayside, and safe all-encompassing routes are constantly used to attract the most amount of people possible to buy their crappy products.

It smells so damn bad.

11 months ago

Nah man, I was there, it was better

11 months ago

I just want to play Newgrounds games and watch YTPs, take me back bros