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1 day

Last played

December 8, 2021

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As a general mod it's fine. Weird as a remake of "Deep Down" with completely new maps that don't feel at all like the original levels apart from the one map in the third act in the cave taken straight from the original.

The pacing in particular I thought felt way worse (The intro in particular being a standout with the original being a quick and exciting ride in the car in at most 2 - 3 minutes to a somewhat drawn out tutorial which feels forced and literally walks you through a sight seeing tour of every mechanic) and ending (Ok the originals was pretty repetitive as well with taking down the four striders being identical, but at least it was more then a stroll through a bland uninteresting cave and then a awkward generator final boss that doesn't attack and then just cuts to black when it ends).

Would probably like more if it were sold as a new mod altogether although that doesn't excuse how weirdly bad Alyx's AI is.