31 Reviews liked by SnoozeYaLose

It is insane to me that RGG can cook up such a memorable and important title such as this in 6 months just because they wanted to expand upon Kiryu's escapades between Yakuza 6 and Yakuza: Like A Dragon.

This while on paper may sound like a quick cash grab title that RGG came up with to fill up their release schedule it ends up being one of the most important Like A Dragon games they have ever constructed, Expanding on the complexity of Kiryu's character even further and giving the character a sendoff that is filled to the brim with fanfare and homages to the series in general.

Like A Dragon: Gaiden gives Kiryu access to the Agent style which just shows how comfortable RGG is with constructing newer and much more innovative ways for players to interface with the 3rd person brawler format the series had become known for.

“I Guess I Needed Them More Than They Ever Needed Me..”

Justifies it's entire existence in it's final hour and a half long stretch; a man with no home or place mourns silently, for nobody can hear him. For a game that could have been an easy "fill in a blanks on the wiki" kind of game it's downright criminal that they managed to pack such an emotional whallop here and gave it a strong thematic core - what happens when you remove the sole identity of a person? Does that person die? Or do they cry out in anger and rebel against that very idea?

It's definitely a side game though elsewhere. The new fighting style rules and the game certainly plays as one of the better Dragon Engine games - they clearly learned a lot from Judgment, which is good - but the decision to cram all of the more extensive side content into one section of the game was a choice to say the least. Substories, while still strong, feel gutted of their spontaneous nature now which is a little bit disappointing, and it does mean that unintentionally makes the middle section of the game feel a bit bloated. The Coliseum is excellent though across the board, best arena in the series by far. RGG does it once again guys, never in doubt.

cool graphics but it’s a bit of a chore to play.

I think I under estimated this game quite a bit. This is overall one of the most inventive and coolest games on the genesis with some annoying design decisions along the way.

To start off the comic book styled graphics are great. Perfectly capturing the art style you might see in a marvel comic of the time. On top of being very well animated, the visuals feel really distinct and it’s taken even further in its gameplay. Not only jumping across literal comic book panels, but being able to destroy the panels themselves or damaging the paper the comic itself is on. It all breaks the 4th wall in some pretty Immersive and creative way. Also the text being displayed in comic book speech bubbles is a nice touch as well. In a way this game feels handrawn despite it being all pixel art. With this coming out late in the life of the genesis not a single detail feels left out and it’s proof genesis games can match similar detail to the snes.

As for gameplay it’s sorta like a mix between a beat ‘em up and puzzle platformer. The puzzles being pretty basic using items at the right time or maybe finding ways around obstacles to avoid taking damage. It’s not too hard to figure out but combining this the beat ‘em up gameplay with in itself adds several different moves and a variety of enemies for combat scenarios. It makes the whole game very complex and fun to figure out. In a way this sorta feels like a 2d character action game. Obviously not as complex as let’s say a DMC yet with all the different moves your given along with the enemy patterns and movesets you have to learn and figure out, it makes the combat feel like a puzzle in itself learning the best way to outsmart the enemy. Attacking / blocking on time and such. It really makes me wish this got a sequel because if this was let’s say 3d + cell shaded not only could it look amazing but building on top of the combat that already feels sorta like an early character action game I feel like this could’ve been really special if expanded on let’s say Dreamcast or Xbox.

So overall games just sick as hell. I vibe with it heavy on its visuals and presentation and I really think they were onto something cool with the gameplay. I’ll say that one thing horrible about this game is the 1 life no continues. That shit is just unacceptable especially with this game being so late in the lifespan. It’s basically got the same issue as Alisia Dragoon and in my opinion is unnecessary in it’s forced difficulty.

Playing dumb shit like this was always fun at school....you know instead of doing work. The teacher can give me the math quiz but it’s not as good as this quiz damn it.

I killed a man with my cold, dark, hands after an altercation on July 11, 1992 in wheeling, illinois

The hardest thing about this game is trying to think of a single personality trait for it.

This is my review for the game. This game is fine.

This is my review for the movie. I fucking HATE Gru's stupid fucking nose. Like what the fuck is that penis-ass nose. His Doctor assistant person has an even bigger penis nose and he rides in a Scooter. Does that mean that people with physical disabilities have bigger penis noses than those who are fully capable of movement? Regardless, I am offended. Fuck you Gru. You never deserved life. I wish your stupid minions fell out of the rocket you built and got impaled on your penis nose, Gru. Fuck YOU!!!

This game and its sequels taught me everything I needed to know about level design.

The first time I played this, I could barely even sit to play it for more than 45 mins because I was recovering from a back surgery. I enjoyed it enough to finish most of the game anyway. 2 years later, I played it again nearly all the way through with a sibling of mine. I remembered how to play it once I stopped playing as the stupid fucking teensy Gandalf cosplayer and started playing as Sir Globox. Sir Globox is the best character in the game, and I think he embodies Rayman Legends more than even Rayman himself. The character designs are absolutely ridiculous—stupid even— and I do kinda like them for that, but Sir Globox is a treasure and I adore him. He looks like he’s constantly having fun regardless of the scenario and he’s always vibing with the world around him. You know who I don’t adore, though? Murphy. Look, I consider myself to be a decent person with a decent sense of morality. I respect and appreciate people from all manner of cultural, ethnic, and sexual backgrounds. Whenever I see Murphy, though, I get a primal urge to call him slurs. I haven’t given into the urge as far as I’m aware, but I just can’t help it. My hate for Murphy extends beyond the limits of reason, I unironically believe that he is responsible for the sexual assault at Ubisoft. He just sits there with his stupid toothy grin and does nothing but laugh at how much Ubisoft lets him fucking get away with. Murphy probably supports genocide. I think I hate Murphy more than anything, he could cancel me and he literally supports genoc-

Sorry, I’m getting distracted, I started to play through this game again with my father, and I intend to continue playing it with him. I also plan to play it with my other sibling and finish almost the entire thing with him, too. Rayman Legends is without a doubt the best Rayman game since Rayman Ravin Rabbids.

Bitches be like “just got done a hour of wii fit! I feel refreshed!”

then drive to mcdonald’s to get a big mac, large fry and a DIET coke. Comeback home and sit on their ass more to play mario kart wii or some shit.

That white slab of plastic isn’t doing much for you.

This isn’t a review but a rant on Konami.

I haven’t played this one and I never want to.
I hate everything this game stands for and I hate what Konami has become. Gone from being a great developer having several great innovative games and strong series now a hollow disgusting shell of their former selves.

This game is a complete insult to Kojima and the Metal Gear series. Turning it into a complete waste of a game that has the worst parts of modern games in it.

Konami might be my favorite game publisher/company from the 80s to 2000s (or at least one of them, I’m a big fan of a lot of there games just look at my top 5.) So to see all their bad decisions is really disheartening.

In my opinon Metal Gear is a fantastic series that just needed to die and honestly I hope it remains that way. The story is concluded and there’s plenty of great games and great things in the series. It changed gaming for the better. It’s over and it should stay that way.

I’m also happy to see Kojima to leave Konami to work on stuff outside of MGS. Sadly other great series are stuck with Konami and I wish they could be given to better studios.

Ok so I was excited for this game. One of my favorite games getting a sequel? wow! this was one of the first games I can remember getting excited for. It’s the first time I awaited a release date. So when the day finally came I couldn’t wait to play it. At the time I enjoyed the game however I end up liking it less and less as I get older.

I feel like this is a disappointing sequel that fails to truly live up the original. Sure the controls are better but I can’t even say the gameplay is a improvement because having to rely on oswalds awful ai is just a chore and I swear didn’t work properly sometimes. as for the level design it’s fine but feels much more linear than the last game. Being linear isn’t always a downgrade however for this game the levels feel more repetitive than before. And I don’t like the areas overall nearly as much as the original.

My main problem is the charm or lack there of. this game has much less of the style and awesome art of the original and just feels much more uninspired. feeling more like a generic disney product. I’m not saying everything has to be dark and gloomy but they could have gotten a little more creative with some of these environments. i’ll admit the game has its moments like the fort and especially the float yard but as a whole feels so much more uninspired and bland with its style. even the music took a hit I don’t remember any of the new songs here.

as for the length this game feels way too short. now I prefer shorter games (3-6 hour games I like) but this game felt short in the bad way. in a way where it doesn’t feel complete and ends abruptly.

In a lot of ways this game feels like the heart and soul was taken out for a more accessible but much less memorible game. I suppose it’s not AWFUL just kinda a mediocre sequel to a very special and unique game. i’ve played a lot worse but this game is really disappointing because of its potential and the exceptions set.

Growing up with this game was something else.
I remember getting this game all the way back in 2010 for christmas. It was a really interesting game to play as a 6 year old to say the least.

Never would I think a disney game would scare me so much with its atmosphere. Everything felt
much more dark and gloomy then any other game i’ve played at the time. It’s something that scared me for sure but it also captivated me. Even if I didn’t know it at the time, this games eerie atmosphere combined with its nostalgic use of disney history really fascinated me.

The atmosphere caused me to not be able to finish this game for a long time, I can name many things from this game that use to scare me as a kid. Everything from the robots, mickey junk mountain, tommorow city, the lonesome manor and that damn clock tower literally caused me to take breaks from playing. yet it’s something i’ve grown to greatly appreciate over time. Stylistically this game is pretty awesome.
It has this dark twisted take on disney land yet some areas give off this warm calming feel to it. As if your exploring a run down theme park while remembering what it used to look like. it’s the type of game I like to take a step back and just appreciate the art as a whole. This game has a really unique take on disney and honestly I would consider the Wasteland to be one of my favorite worlds in any game.

This game is also what got me into old cartoons.
It kinda led me down this rabbit hole of animation history and honestly I feel like I have a greater appreciation of animation because of it. Seriously if you like animation history then check this game out it’s full of references to old disney stuff. Hell I even got into those old Disney Treasures dvds because of this game.

So I certainly have a lot of nostalgia for this game but i’ll admit the gameplay does have its issues. Nowadays I don’t really have any problems with this game but that’s only because i’ve been playing for so long. For a new player I can imagine the stiff controls and sometimes frustrating design can stop someone from loving the game. So i’ll admit it’s clunky but I can’t help but love this game for practically everything else. I’m still willing to look past it because this game succeeds at a lot of other things it goes for really well. Besides I still enjoy the gameplay. It’s got a cool take on 3d platformers with its paint brush mechanics. oh and those projector segments are awesome. Especially after watching the original cartoons myself.

So in conclusion this is a special game to me flaws and all. i’ll always have a lot of appreciation for this game. and hey it’s a lot better than the sequel.

Also I need to quickly mention the concept art. I normally don’t care about collecting concept art in games but the concept art here is so damn cool. Seriously go look it up they look so great I would unironically buy a poster of one of them. Great stuff.

mario and sonic at the special olympics is a game with cool core concept of seeing mario and sonic cross over. Once the novelty wears off you got a decent but fairly forgettable party game. also just recently realized how many of these games exist oh my goodness lol.