10 Reviews liked by Soarel

It's a cool game, but it's absolutely insanely funny that the same general people behind this game would end up making the Xenoblade series. Comparing the most sexual moment in this game (arguably) - a scene where two people end up confessing their love, spend the night together, and you see one of them naked in bed - versus literally a second of Xenoblade 2 or 3, is so fucking funny.

Has a great first act and generally sticks the landing. You can forgive Fei for sitting on a chair for ten thousand hours in the 'middle act'.

I would sacrifice my firstborn for a remake of this with everything Takahashi originally wanted to add

Wilhelm's constant comments on women make the novel all the more valuable

I hated Ren at first because I saw too much of myself in him.

i now kin several racists.

I want rusalka Schwagerin to smile endlessly
Also she’s hot

Karl Krafft likes to pee his pants