Everything and anything can be a spaghetti here, hilarious goof ah game, i love it

I spent hundreds of hours playing this on my psp, ahhhh the memories, and i still havent finished it (99.8%) cuz my psp got robbed lmao

Good game on my phone, nice mystery while not a great payoff (it solved but not fully), i got a great ending, and the choice does matter here


So the game is very simple, no major combo like dmc or sekiro, but it demand your focus. Each attack has its pattern and learning this is vital, yeah its bullet hell and very hard, but theres accessibility mode dont force yourself to do what you doesnt like to do.

Storywise its present, but not so majorly moving masterpiece or something, its just there, but its not bad tho.

Also the music, 10/10, each boss has its own theme that suit the boss and the phases, its just mama mia, and some of the boss design are so sick as hell

The Real RPG, you could literally role play however you like, you can even make a child cry because her teddy bear is dead

played this on win 8, gog, no problem with bugs at all, solid experience

I play this and 100% this game on my ipad, have so much fun on it, and build great memories with my friend:)


Simple platforming game, not very hard, story is ok its just cryptic and cliffhanger ending

Yeah plenty waifu here even an angel one and few with large bazongko and diverse personality, fortunately i’m gay

Bro i didnt finish this gem my ps2 broke :((((((

I had a BLAST playing this shit and collecting the secrets, sad cant play it now that my ps is broke:(, searching for emulator tho


Just touch grass or play furi, you weeb


Its a good shooter with old feel to it, its got 8 arsenal holy shit, and has kinda horror vibe. Tho theres no checkpoint so you have to quicksave

So far its cool man, the dnd style and the creepy vibe ughhhhh

Had so much fun playing this on my ipad, especially when i unlock the pagandi zonda and hearing the engine holy shit