The greatest video game of all time. Every single thing you look at to rate was crafted at a level of love that brings everything we enjoyed in FF7 and Remake and enhances it. The combat is phenomenal, an even more entertaining and in depth version of what Remake brought forward with the introduction of Folios and synergy skills. Level design which was a big pain point in Remake is solved, with beautiful and intricate and interesting and FUN dungeons and locations to explore and fight in. Speaking of exploring, the world is insane. I had no clue how they would be able to bring the vast and charm filled map from FF7 into modern day without chopping it up due to Remakes emphasis on detail and expansion with Midgar. And yet, they did. Every location is filled with fun side quests and NPCs, mini games to enjoy, and sights to see. The music in this game is as expected, some of the greatest your ears will ever be blessed with. The art design and graphics and visual design for the landscape, weapons, monsters, and characters is a perfect showing for the PS5s abilities. Past all that what makes Final Fantasy 7; Final Fantasy 7 for me is the story and how the characters in it make that plot move forward. Some of the greatest characters in fiction are present here and the way they interact and how their stories unfold has brought me to tears and made me jump out of my chair multiple times. The new plot points added expand lore that we didn't even realize was lacking at one point. And the multiple timeline story continues to impress with a level of both genuine heart and thematic relevance and fan service. It isn't there just because everything needs to be multiverse now because of Marvel, it is there because the staff of the original game have a story to tell. Also shoutout to the voice actors, SUCH A GOOD JOB

10/10, will be Platinuming