Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

9 days

Last played

December 26, 2022

First played

December 16, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This review contains spoilers

I have never had a more miserable time with a video game.

Where the hell do I even begin. Let’s start with the positives first.

So right off the bat, let me get this straight. The actual game itself? It’s fun. If there’s one thing I can give this game credit for, it’s the combat. While not particularly deep or engaging as something like Doom, it’s still fun in its own way with its strange yet really cool arsenal of weapons, which all have their own unique gimmicks that spice things up a bit. You have Kenny, who works like a standard pistol that can also shoot some sort of goop thing that launches enemies in the air and lets you juggle enemies, and then there’s my boy Creature who (somehow) births children at an insane pace which causes them to stick to enemies and do damage over time. I also do appreciate that some enemies require different approaches to combat, even if some of them can be a bit annoying to deal with.

Unfortunately, that’s where the positives end. Everything else about this game is fucking dogshit. Let me tell ya, think of the corniest and most cringe inducing game (or even piece of media) you’ve ever played. Go on. You done? Imagine that but multiplied by 100, because holy SHIT this game has such awful humor.

Every joke is either something dumb is happening, and the characters go about said thing for fucking MINUTES just to make sure you understand how wacky everything is or referential humor because everybody knows reference = funny. I’ve only actually laughed ONCE and that was in the end where you have to stick Kenny up the final boss’ ass. It legitimately felt like the only time where the game wasn’t begging for me to laugh or insulting my intelligence by making sure I got the joke by repeating endlessly.

“But Alpha!” you say. “What if I like Justin Roiland’s humor? Will I enjoy this game?”

To that I say you’re a horrible human being and you should reevaluate your life choices for even CONSIDERING to play this dogpile of garbage. (I kid enjoy what you like)

I went into this game fairly. I really did. I thought the clips on Twitter were just one off instances and that the game wasn’t as corny as people made it out to be. I was wrong. I was so fucking wrong. I made the mistake of playing this game while I had a fever, and it somehow made me feel WORSE. A game has never done to me before.

In conclusion, I hate this game. If you have any sort of self-respect, stay as far away from this shit as possible. Have a great day/night.