(Played via Ace Attorney Trilogy on PS4)
Still a mastapeece. It just gets better with every case. I don't care if Rise from the Ashes is too long, it's the best case with the most intriguing story in the game and many amazing twists. Also both endings (Case 4 and Case 5) gave me the feels just like the first time I played the game.
I have so much love for this game, man. It's amazing characters and their development throughout the game, it's amazing soundtrack and how it perfectly sets the tone to everything that is happening, it's amazing sense of humor that brings numerous hilarious and iconic moments. I think this is a game that everybody should experience, even if you don't like visual novels at least give this a try and I guarantee you're gonna find something about this game that you will like.
Also Edgeworth invented character development.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2021


3 years ago

I never thought I'd play a visual novel till I tried this. Now this game occupies like 10-15% of my mental energy at any given moment. Simply fantastic writing.

3 years ago

I just love this franchise. All games are marvelous!