People die when they are killed.
Old and overused jokes aside this route was a great way to get reintroduced into the world of fate, however this time it was through the visual novel which was amazing adding some much needed context for me, having only watched ufotable's anime adaptations.

All the characters are as likable (or hateable) as i remember them although sadly barely none of them except the main duo and maybe the villains are used to their fullest potential (in this route anyways).
That doesn't mean this route was bad far from it though it was still a fun read learning the basics of this world's rules and even foreshadowing of what's to come.

Now onto the main topic the duo of Saber and Shirou. The duo was amazing and I can confidently say they are easily the best part about this route, Shirou is a great main character as to be expected all with his backstory personality and everything about him in general its so awesome how the game drops little hints of his motivations struggles ad the story progresses it legit had me trying to find meaning behind words that probably didn't even mean anything. The exact same thing can be said about Saber who is probably my favourite out of the 3 main heroines, i love how when you first meet her she's basically a killing machine with no goal other than getting the holy grail but as the story progresses and she interacts with Shirou she slowly opens up about herself and grows from just being around him.
As i said there isn't much i have to talk about other than the main duo Tohsaka and Archer are there being another really cool duo but aren't used to their full potential in this route.

Now for the best part of this route the goddamn ending. I won't spoil it but man it had me all messed up it was such a bittersweet ending that i legit reread it and the final fight 3 times when I finished the route oh my god I'm not even sure if the other routes can top how that one part made me feel.

Final rating: /10

Reviewed on Mar 22, 2022


white woman spotted

2 years ago

Just because you're correct doesn't mean that you're right

2 years ago

such a cool moment...
and omg josh wtf wrong game idiot!!!

2 years ago

fate tsuki/hime

2 years ago

fate buren/nya
goats. goats i tell you.

2 years ago

Fate Stay/Night the goat...

1 year ago

"Killed things become dead" - Arcueid 2000