My third or fourth time through, but it still holds up. Great bunch of characters (although nobody hits favourite status for me), some surprising plot-twists, moments I'd forgotten even after several plays that are newly impactful and one of the all-timer antagonists. Mechanically, the materia system is one of my favourite RPG customisation systems of all time - being able to set up things like Final Attack-Phoenix are genius. A classic for a reason, and with modern conveniences (3x speed for grinding is a god-send), more accessible than ever.

Some text issues - which I think were down to translation - hold it back from being perfect for me, as some scenes felt a bit incoherent. I also don't feel I gelled quite as well with any character as well as I have in other RPGs - but minor personal points against a splendid whole.

Reviewed on Jan 17, 2024
