A fun and energetic game that is so fun to play over and over again.

Even though this game took me a week to beat, it was still a joy to play. It felt a lot like 3 in some places and that's good. There's not as much stuff in it as 5 but it is on a new engine to them so I can't blame them. I really enjoyed this game. The game made me cry!

This game is so FUCKING GOOD and almost better than 0. The amount of stuff you can do in this game along with all the characters you can play as makes it very enjoyable to play through. The story is something I loved from beginning to end. The game made me cry

This game is so FUCKING good, it has a GREAT theme, I LOVE the characters you can play as. The plot was confusing until it all came together and made sense. Also Akiyama. The game didn't make me cry, I think it did around the beginning but I forgot, it made me cheerful.

Going from Kiwami 2 to this was a big change, but I still enjoyed the game for what it had. I loved the story and the new characters a lot, I liked how most of the story was Kiryu being a good dad. This and 0 are my favs as of right now. The game made me cry

I have been playing nothing but Yakuza games and I think now is a good time to take a break. I love Kiwami 2 a lot and got to experience the new engine which, I love a lot. Story was intriguing and the game was fun the whole way through. The game made me cry

After 0, I went straight to Kiwami and it took me a week or so to beat even though it's not as good as 0, I still like a few things from it and enjoyed the game a lot. The game made me cry

I started playing this game years ago, stopped around Chapter 4, picked it back up around the end of last year, and finished it this year. Genuinely one of my favorite games and was such a blast to experience. The game made me cry