One of the favorite games of my childhood, I also really liked those kind of games with the captions always on since I could practice my english.

Even though this game is probably inferior to Ace Combat 5 in various aspects, the replability factor is pretty good and I played it a lot more than Ace Combat 5. I also liked the story a bit more for some reason, Solo Wing Pixy was a pretty charismatic character.

I ##### loved this game, played it three times in a row for all the endings and for some reason I cant explain I really like Iguazu. Also, Rusty remembers me of Solo Wing Pixy from Ace Combat Zero, well, both AC games do have AC vibes on them.

Eu te amo XCOM 2, eu te amo

Eu gostava muito desse jogo quando era criança e ele me deixou mal acostumado quando eu finalmente achei o anime pra assistir, lembro que fiquei: "Cade os 500 robos na tela", mas Gundam é muito bom e esse jogo é legal e tem um fator de replayability muito bom, além das legendas na tela o tempo todo que me ajudaram a aprender inglês.

Forza Horizon tem que ter música boa e esse aqui não tem, além deles terem me dado um puta carro esportivo em 10 mins de jogo e me tirou um pouco a vontade de jogar, o 4 foi melhor.


A gameplay desse jogo é bem satisfatória, você sempre quer tentar os níveis novamente pra conseguir terminar o jogo com a menor idade possível, além do possível final "pacífico".

It feels a bit flat, not bad, but not impactful either.

Pretty chill game and a good combo with BeamNG.

A really good driving experience overall, I like the direction the game is taking lately with its development.

This game has a ton of community content and it's pretty beginner friendly, however, you need a bit of tickering to get everything working. Probably the best sim for beginners in the market.

Still very beginner friendly like Assetto Corsa however I feel its a better entrance for someone who wants to have a feel for the competition. Good for people that want to start simracing.

This game is a fall from grace from the Men of War franchise, sad.

I really liked the Destiny 1, but this one never got to me, don't know why.

Remembering this game makes me hate live service, I really wanted to be able to play this thing again without having to go through a lot of work.