1 review liked by Spawn92

Shorter, tighter, with more variety. At "just" 15 levels, this expansion clocks in at around half the length of the original. But it packs that length with more level variety and, interestingly, an entire stretch of levels dedicated to a new vehicle/hover motorcycle mechanic.

Aftershock addresses every main complaint about the original game. Thought it had too many sewer levels in the middle part? Here's 15 levels, the majority of which are outdoor urban areas. Thought it didn't have enough variety? Here's a vehicle section. Thought it dragged on too long? Well, buddy, this one's half the length.

All that, and they added in a new BFG type weapon.

The original Ion Fury already stood head and shoulders above the rest of the retro FPS market. Aftershock is somehow even better.