As I had decided to do a Decade of Gaming 1 (2000-2009) gauntlet, Perfect Dark was my pick for the year 2000.

The game offers an interesting perspective on the earlier days of the First Person shooter genre, Developed by the same studio behind the highly acclaimed GoldenEye 007, it features a similar control scheme, However, I found the control scheme to be awkward and had a hard time getting used to it, which isn’t help by the fact that I have always found playing FPS games with controller hard (Skill issue), but thanks to 1964 GEPD fan patched emulator, I was able to use the mouse and play it like a modern PC FPS.

The story is a sci-fi espionage thriller, filled with conspiracies, alien race wars, and more. While the story itself is fairly straightforward, it is still engaging. The levels are well-designed and easy to navigate, the mission objectives are clear and have detailed description when needed. The gunplay is a lot of fun with a variety of equipment at your disposal, I was very impressed with the enemies’ responsive body parts. You could knock the guns out of their hands, and they even had unique death animations depending on where and how you shot them. The lighting and reflections of this game were very impressive for an N64 title.

Perfect Dark offers a fascinating journey and is definitely worth checking out. The fan patch can be a big help if you're not used to the original control scheme.

Playing older games has always been both insightful and enjoyable to me. So going through Perfect Dark, or any older generation games for that matter truly does put into perspective how far gaming has evolved as a medium, Similar to how watching classic movies or reading older books can enhance your appreciation of the art form, I highly recommend trying older games when possible. This early period of gaming was defined by exciting uncertainty in gameplay and storytelling. Seeing how designers and developers overcame the limitations to create interesting solutions is truly fascinating. These older games have their unique charm and stand out for their own reasons.

What a fun game! It has a simple and fun story, with very fun and lovable cast of characters especially our protaogonist. The gameplay is brilliant! I have played a few rhythm games(and enjoyed them), but nothing that combines both the rhythm game aspect and action game aspect so well, everything in the games moves to the beat and It is especially satisfying when you're in the groove and hit those combos to the beat! And of course, it also have a great soundtrack which ties into the gameplay.
Insane to me how they just dropped this game without any promotion...
Absolute must play if you're into rhythm games or even if you're just an action game fan you should be able to have fun with this!