Everything was over after two days. Very boring, very cringe at times. HOW MANY OF THESE ARE GONNA GET OUTCLASSED BY STICKER STAR?!?!?

Well, I think, I THINK that um. STICKER STAR WAS BETTER. this is just a "flick on auto-battle and pray" like game. Sure you can control the action; OF ONE PARTY MEMBER. AND LATE GAME WHEN YOUR GUY ISNT WITH THE OTHER GROUP, THEN ITS NO CHARACTERS CONTROLLABLE. Serious flaw in design, can't believe it was outclassed by stickers.

Quality port. But no rewind or more than one save state for each game. SERIOUSLY? IS IT THAT HARD?

Who's IDEA was this? I am just... man. I can't believe I wasted that many hours on this game. Go play a better entry in the series. PLEASE.

The only reason I'm okay with this game is because I played it for 100+ hours back in the day. DONT DO THAT TO YOURSELF.

I still can't understand why they gutted the online support. This is just a stupid version of (cant believe I'm saying this) FAR BETTER WII U GAME. Now at this point go play SMM2

please. END MY SUFFERING. This is GARBAGE! Your choices rarely ACTUALLY MATTER, and you would get nearly the same OR BETTER by watching someone play this. Oh, and the writing is abysmal. Screw you telltale. I am so glad you are bankrupt. (p.s. season 2 is even worse)

Bedrock edition is just a lesser form of Minecraft in my opinion. The controls; features; and MONEY GRUBBING, SAP SUCKING, PEICE o' CRAP MARKETPLACE: make this a far less appealing form of Minecraft to use. If you only have console ok have fun. If you have a PC and you chose this version. SHAME. ON. YOU.

There is nothing I can say that others haven't. Go play Java edition RIGHT NOW.

Holy pancakes in a pencil sharpener THIS IS GREAT!

Just teach your friends to play Civilization at this point.

I have beaten this game, SO MANY TIMES. A couple with family, a few with friends, and two or three by myself. This is a fantastic Diablo-esque game. With cool settings, mechanics, and an absolute hECk ton of mods at your disposal. Go play this. Now.

A classic. I played this back in the day and I still have fond memories of only making it to the second area. I beat it all the way through recently and yeah I say it is worth it. But TL2 is better.

What a mind-bender of a game. Pretty awesome I got all the endings and such. Worth your time I'd say :)